i heard the following argument today. After reading this, you will surely return to Islam inshallah.
"Till, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving. "
The word "crash" is used in this verse
Alternative words could have been used, such as "kill" or "destroy", but Allah chose the word "crash"
Cars crash, and you can also crash glass
Scientists have recently discovered that when you look under a microscope, ants look like glasshow could Muhammed have possibly known this 1400 years ago?
oh also, they had some great magnifiers during his time, used in astronomy.
And even if the ants DID "LOOK" like glass. WTH does that have to do
with anything? You all are drawing straws at this point.