His group worked closely with other Arab fighters that were loyal to Bin Laden but remained separate from them and the Taliban. Not sure of the details but basically they declared their Sheikh - Abu Hammam to be the Khalifah and pledged alliegence to him - and so ended up fighting with those who didn't.
It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetically sad.
Ah right, that makes sense.
9) In accordance with the order of Allah; "O you who believe fight those next to you of the unbelievers", and in accordance with the saying of the prophet (PBUH); "the courtyard of the house of Islam is in Sham". I therefore announce the raising of the flag of the Al-Furqan army (the army that divides the believers from the unbelievers) for the liberation of Bayt-Al-Maqdess (the holy house Jerusalem) from the hands of the Jews.
14) It is required from all Muslims available in the lands through which the Kateebat-Al-Maut (pass) including the residents of Bait-Al-Maqdess to support this squadron and to supply it with whatever they can afford of monies, arms, and ammunition and food. All should raise the black flags. All should have good tidings from the prophecy of the messenger of Allah, peace and mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon him; "the later day will not come until the muslims fight the Jews, the muslims will kill them until the Jew hides behind the stone and the tree. The stone or the tree will say; "o Muslim, O slave of Allah, this Jew is hiding behind me, so come and kill him" except the tree of Gharqad, it is from the trees of the Jews" Therefore I order the Muslims of Bait-Al-Maqdess to burn and chop down this kind of tree.
15) I, Ameer ul Momineen, announce to all mankind that the negotiations of peace that have started and are ongoing between the Palestinians and the Jews, all of it, is cancelled and negated. The Palestinians are forbidden, from this day, from negotiating on behalf of or for this holy land, no one negotiates on it except Ameer ul Momineen. The only representative of the Muslims altogether is Ameer ul Momineen. I announce it clearly to the Jews that (they) should pay Jizyah (a tax imposed by Allah on those Jews and Christians who wish to live among the Muslims as protected aliens) and to open our path to the Holy House. I should be the ruler and they should be under my protection. Or they should accept the other choice. They shall not hear the other choice from me; they will see it by the permission of Allah. Jaish-ul-Furqan is coming; the coward's eyes shall have no sleep.
Why didn't they simply go fight Israel?