The eating with the hands, the right hand was the most irritating for me, my ex had this same ritual, the one where you want to strangle them lol.. His right hand turned into a claw every meal time :( :( to scoop up the slop with his bare hand, and then he would be gagging for a drink of water, despite having the left hand free he wouldnt dare touch the glass so he had this trick of picking up the glass with his left forearm balancing it with his claw urrrrrgh.. sorry havin a moment
My God Suki, that sounds needlessly horrific.

My wife does the 'right claw' thing as well but she will use the left to drink a glass of water, I've seen her occasionally use the left to eat with and even turn a blind eye to the odd gelatinous jelly, I see no reason to point this out to her.