I'm not really sure I belong here, because I have never been Muslim and I am not Atheist... however, I have a strong interest in religion and enjoy talking to people about it. Most specifically, I enjoy talking to people who have put a lot of thought into their beliefs... which would obviously include those who have converted to or from a religion.
To be honest, part of the reason I am here is because I have a good friend from Saudi who is studying at University in the States that I have long thought to be a closet Atheist... or at least someone who has little regard for religion, even if he hasn't consciously rejected it. I am not naive enough to assume the fact that he drinks or smokes or sleeps around is an indicator of this (I have known far too many Muslims, and Saudis in particular, to make such a bold claim!) However, since I have known him he has never been to the mosque (that I am aware of), does not pray, is one of the few Saudis to not be terribly bothered when hanging out with my homosexual friends and doesn't seem to get overly offended when people say things against Islam. The times he does, it seems more for his brothers and friends than a genuine need to defend Islam. Although perhaps I am reading too much into his actions?
To me, the idea of a Saudi atheist is intruiging. And I'll admit, when I first began to suspect he might be atheist it felt very novel, but to be honest... does anyone truly believe the Saudi's claim to have a 100% Muslim population? And yet, due to the social and legal pressure to be Muslim, I find it fascinating. As one who has rejected my own religious upbringing (not leaving my religion alltogether, but adopting a very liberal outlook on it) I know that it can be hard to question things you were raised to believe, especially when an angry god and the promise of eternal torture are some of the consequences that could result of your new line of thinking. It was painful in America, where like-minded people are easier to find and resources for alternate ways of thinking are readily available. So I guess I am here to try and get a better understanding of why and how someone would become Atheist*.
Obviously this isn't really something I can talk to my friend about. I am not certain he is atheist, it is just a suspicion. And even if he were, I am not sure he would trust me with that information. I am good friends with members of his family and I sometimes have a habit of talking too much when drunk. >.< So I guess I am dropping in here to satisfy my curiosity on the topic, more or less.
(*as an fyi, I am a psychology and sociology double major... so the study of human behavior and decision making is something that really is interesting to me. I am not someone who thinks that religion is obviously the answer and that atheists are crazy to believe in "nothing"... rather, I am interested in the process people take to come to their beliefs, especially given all of the cognitive biases that we have. And since most research takes places in western countries I would not try to apply research or common theories that I have learned in school to situations involving people from other cultures anyway. Which is why hearing first-hand people's experiences is important. I will probably just lurk around-- not having ever been Muslim I don't know that I have much to contribute to the discussion-- but I joined just in case I ever found a discussion I would want to be a part of. And, to be honest, it's been a while since I"ve been a member of any active forums and I kind of miss it.