Re: which continent are you in?
Reply #3 - January 12, 2012, 11:43 PM
al ma arri i appreciate as ex muslims people are sensitive about their locations etc which is why i made it as broad as i could but im interested to know more about the ex muslim movement and know if a lot of muslims are leaving islam and if its mainly in the muslim lands or non muslim lands. I find it interesting. I dont mean to impose and i try to keep the questions as vague as possible so that it isnt dangerous for anyone to answer, im sure some others here will find the results interesting too, for those who wish to know how the muslim and ex muslim communitiy dynamics are shifting.
Remember europe is absolutely flooding with muslim immigrants and if the people dont start integrating and leaving islam, potentially you can end up with an islamic state, on the otehr hand, if more and more muslims are being secularised in muslim lands, you will see that the world is heading for a balancing situation where the world slowly merges into one giant democracy. I think understanding the world dynamics is important and think the next 50 years or so will be characterised by two movements, democracy and islam.
In statistic we know that to get an accurate view of the situation you need a large amount of people to answer the questions in order for it to be representative of the whole world ex muslim populatiopn so as this forum is madeup of ex muslims then theoretically if you were to get enough people to vote on polls then you can get a good understanding of the dynamics of the muslim and ex muslim communities. Of course, this would be flawed as perhaps people are more likely to have heard of it in the UK or people are too scared to speak out in muslim lands or perhaps in africa many muslims became christian (I heard) but arent online to vote in polls so its not an accurate science but is interesting from some im sure nevertheless
ill try get some articles on statsicts up so we can see how many people would need to vote in polls to make it accurate, i know there is an equation for it.
if anyone studied some statistics before they can prbabily explain more detail of what i mean