Nah, not really. With some it's something more and with others it's just purely meat mashing into each other.
Much as I long for the first, much as the second doesn't satisfy me in the slightest, at least the second can be forgotten about sooner.
I guess it's all in how you interpret the act, and really why should anybody embrace everybody elses sexual morals just because that is what they personally believe is right for them.
Like to os, he skips spirituality/love/something more, for you each and everyone is something more, for another some are more and some are less, but if that is what works for each of us, then that is what works.
Hey, where did I say I skip it?
When I say I regard sex and love as more recreational drugs, what I mean is that there are similarities and some perspective is valuable when dealing with them all. Recreational drugs are used primarily because they elicit emotional responses of one kind or another. They can be life enhancing in moderation (with moderation defined on an individual basis). They can also cause severe problems if you become convinced you need them, or if you lose all sense of perspective and over-indulge. Also, regardless of how much people may rave about their spiritual experiences while indulging, the bottom line is they do it because it makes them feel good.
I never used to have much of an issue with porn but I do now. I don't watch it. I'm sure there are some porns that wouldn't make me just feel blah, but to find them I have to somehow wade through the tonne of disgusting porn that loves to be as brutal as possible to the females in it without being BDSM porn which at least you know and expect will be different.
Do i really need to see ads down the side showing me girls who don't even look legal gagging and throwing up because of how much their throat is being pounded? not really thanks. Totally turns me off.
I don't think porn is going anywhere though and I am not trying to make it go anywhere, it's as much a losing battle as those who would fight to stop prostitution, you can't stop it. It would just be nice to see porn sites that didn't have all the disgusting shit on top of it.
Totally agree with all of that.