Re: Another signature
Reply #4 - June 30, 2012, 10:08 AM
This is so good! Maybe you should have their signed comments and some quotes from your interviews put up in text form on a website somewhere so it is indexed by google and comes up in searches, plus so people can copy paste into emails, forums etc. I sometimes see people link to your interviews on forums or facebook, but I don't know if reluctant Muslims would click and watch, but reading a counter-quote takes no time.
Also, I wonder if a leaflet would be useful with the quotes, channel link, photo of the signed comments. Not sure in what scenario they would be handed out (I recently walked past a dawah stall with lots of scientific miracle leaflets - I might have given such a leaflet to them!). What I have noticed with your pressure on Hamza and QuranProject is that when you challenge them in full view of another party, they can be embarrassed into withdrawing their misinformation. If they are challenged privately, it is easier for them to just ignore you.