MPC Journal is looking for your contributions:
OP - April 10, 2015, 09:16 AM
Hey guys, Please show some effort to make our rights recognised and our words heard.
Who can represent atheists more than atheists themselves? Who can present the conditions atheists must go through under Muslims politics more than atheists themselves? Therefore, we wish that you consider adding a contribution to our blog
We are looking forward to contributions for the MPC Journal on issues related to atheists and minorities in the Middle East and North Africa. We also welcome contributions about topics related to Muslims politics, culture and economics and issues about the Muslim-western relations.
The aim of contributions is to tackle pressing issues related to ex-Muslims, atheists and minorities in the Middle East in order to reach a level of normalisation among those who chose to live with faith and those who chose to live without.
Please read our guidelines before submitting your manuscripts in the SUBMISSIONS section.