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 Topic: Is matter always perfectly conserved?

 (Read 6847 times)
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  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #30 - July 07, 2014, 10:31 PM

    Hmm .. apart from all that you are also an "attention seeker"..    Cheesy

    Just kidding.. you are a great guy..

    Thank you very much!  You are very nice and a great guy too!
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #31 - July 07, 2014, 10:43 PM

    .........You are very nice and a great guy too!...........

     well you know only one side of me.. the other side of the coin can be bad some times. So you are on the way and I am sure you will be teaching Pathophysiology or Psychiatry  to some folks in near future.. But I am more interested in your I need help folder.., There is a great guy with nick "muslim atheism" happened to be an  Ex-Muslim. I am interested in that subject..

    So I leave you alone.. again I am so glad to read your posts..

    with best

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #32 - July 07, 2014, 10:45 PM

    Keep your head high Radon, and you'll do great (maybe even a Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine?). It's always good to study what you love and you evidently love Biology (and science in general).
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #33 - July 07, 2014, 10:47 PM

    Radon123, that's really great!

    I got the impression early on that microbiology was not typically a very rewarding field to get into in my country, but I absolutely loved all of my microbiology classes/labs. If you haven't had the chance to take one yet, they're very rewarding, especially if you take a lab that's all about using biochemical testing to identify some unknown. It was a lot of work and flowcharts, but it was probably the most fun I had in any lab as an undergrad.

    I get asked a lot, but I'm not really sure what I want to do. I like research and might want to do more of it, and I've even entertained the idea of trying for a PhD, but the truth is by this time I'm very burned out by my extra-long education path and I'm ready to work wherever I'm hired. Grin

    That's really cool, though, and good for you for starting at a community college. That's a very, very smart move to get all the classes you can out of the way without worrying about enormous debt. I'm sure you'll do great!

    Honestly speaking, if I won the lottery and got ultra-rich, I would completely skip college, buy myself a humble and small home, store my money in a swiss bank account, and just spend my days studying science and playing Total War series computer video games, lol.  That would be the ultimate life for me.  I would also give some money to my parents and friend and other family members and such, but I would keep the majority of it for me.

    Whenever I'm really devoted to a subject, such as science, I try to learn everything I possibly can about it as fast as humanely possible.  So studying is my lifeblood, and me teaching myself is/would be far more effective than just learning it in a rote fashion presented by the lecturer.  

    I already owe like almost $3,000.00 in loans, but I am applying for a discharge.  However, applying for this discharge means I will not be able to take out any future federal loans for three years after that.  So, I will just have to apply for grants to help get me through two years of community college.  

    I think that it's just so stupid, that college/university is so expensive.  The best thing my country could do to secure a good future for itself is to make higher education free or at least to subsidize higher education to the extent where individual students do not have to pay as much.  But there are people in my country's government who are absolutely clueless about their population because they are so rich they are all bankers and lawyers and get paid a quarter of a million dollars each year in taxpayer money, so they have more than enough to be able to send their kids to expensive and prestigious, top notch universities.  It's just not fair...
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #34 - July 07, 2014, 11:04 PM

    I have to pay international fees which is stupendously expensive. I don't even know how I'm going to manage. I might just have to sell my soul to the devil. Grin

    and just spend my days studying science and playing Total War series computer video games, lol.  

    You like science and Total War? Awesome. Rome 1 & Medieval 1 and 2 were classic. I didn't like Empire and Napoleon so much (don't like gunpowder) but loved Shogun 2. Rome 2 was alright, but had horrible optimization and AI. But this is for another thread.

  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #35 - July 07, 2014, 11:21 PM

    If I ever get rich I am seriously thinking of setting up a bursary fund for ex-Muslims so they can go to uni to get out of shitty situations!
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #36 - July 07, 2014, 11:45 PM

    I feel your pain, radon. It's a big problem nowadays.

    And that'd be nice, Lily! Wait until the next World Cup and place bets on asbie's predictions.
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #37 - July 08, 2014, 12:05 AM

    Haha ^^^  Cheesy
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #38 - July 08, 2014, 12:15 AM

    I have to pay international fees which is stupendously expensive. I don't even know how I'm going to manage. I might just have to sell my soul to the devil. Grin
    You like science and Total War? Awesome. Rome 1 & Medieval 1 and 2 were classic. I didn't like Empire and Napoleon so much (don't like gunpowder) but loved Shogun 2. Rome 2 was alright, but had horrible optimization and AI. But this is for another thread.

    I have never heard of international fees, what are they?  In the case of studying internationally, as you are, I feel that is something that nations should work together to make it much more affordable, since it is not only the individual countries that need bright minds but also the world as a whole as well.

    Haha I know what you mean!  I'd rather sell my soul to Satan than to Allah, anyways, assuming that they both exist to begin with, lol.  

    I love Total War.  My favorites are Rome 1 total war and Medieval 2 total war.  Empire is pretty good for me.  I thought Rome 1 total war is the most fun.  Which faction do you prefer playing as?  One of my favorite factions to play as is the Germanic tribes in Rome 1 total war.  They have Berserkers which are completely insane!  They destroy everything in their path of rage!  I also like Alexander total war, I even modified it so I could play as the Achaemenids, and on my file playing as them I used cheats to get all of my cities to a very happy level and otherwise had a lot of fun on the throne of my beautiful Persian empire.  I also love Rome total war barbarian invasion.  One time I tweaked that game to make the Romano-British playable and then I took over Britannia with the exception of Ireland I think and then I started moving my holy armies which consisted of Grail Knights largely to the continental mainland.  I had ultimate plans of conquering Gaul as the Romano-British but it was harder than it seemed at the time.

    Medieval 2 total war is more difficult to play than compared to Rome 1 total war.  It seems as if individual battles are much harder to win, with your units taking a longer, more difficult time slaying other units.  For example, if I had a unit of cavalry that were going to ram into a unit of infantry in Rome 1 total war, it would take like maybe 30 secs-60 secs to defeat them/rout them.  In Medieval 2 total war, however, it seems like it would instead take like maybe 3 mins-4mins to defeat the infantry, and even then one might risk losing a substantial amount of cavalry within that respective unit as compared to Rome 1 total war.

    I have custom campaign mod for medieval 2 total war and I love it!  I love to use cheats playing as the Timurids and go rampaging and/or also love embarking on a colonial quest as one of the respective European powers to conquer the America's and ravage it for its gold and land!

    I am a big fan of history as well.  History and science are my two favorite subjects.  I love studying the reasons why, for example, the Roman Empire declined and/or I also love analyzing historical battles of civilizations I enjoy studying and the mechanics/logistics and troop numbers respectively of them.  I also love asking questions to myself, such as imagining if I was the Roman Emperor at a time in Roman history and how I would go about preventing my empire's decline.  It's all so fascinating.

    I know a ton of stuff about the Roman Empire, Imperial China, etc.

    It is all just so interesting.
  • Is matter always perfectly conserved?
     Reply #39 - July 08, 2014, 08:18 AM

    I'll tell you here, as this thread is not suited for this conversation.  Afro
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