You might want to tell them that god can't preform a 'test' after all, since it's an activity done out of a state of ignorance. You test something to learn something, if you know the outcome beforehand then it is no longer a test. You can't be all knowing and 'test' things. Another attribute contradiction for you.
And since muslims are always going on about how this world is a test, you suffer because it's a test. Then god either doesn't know the outcome with 100% certainty, making him a liar and no longer a god or he just does it for no worthy reason, which makes him a bastard and everyone else suffer for a whim.
This is one of the logical arguments I based my apostasy on. To quote MAB from a thread in the past, when I was lurking.
"Truthseekers don't seek so much the truth as they seek to reach a palatable state." Or something vaguely along those lines.
I still wonder if I just made a good enough argument to get out or really sought the truth of the matter. I'd like to believe the latter, though it was purely coincidental if so.
The worst part on his hypocrism is that no matter how much you suffered, worshipped him-- if your bad deeds/sins outweigh the good things you done: BAM YOU SUFFER IN ETERNAL BURNING IN HELL. Pathetic.