Reply #8 - July 22, 2015, 02:04 AM
Or maybe Islam does not actually nurture. It's hard to open your heart up to a book that threatens you. Though I have to admit I did do it.
Why is it so hard for you to believe that many of us were once fully committed die hard Allah ta'ala loving fajr praying dhikr chanting mumineen?
See what I did there, to help you along?
If it is unbelievable to you, perhaps you are experiencing a dissonance. Because it is sort of disrespectful to approach a population of people and tell them they are unbelievable. It is offensive, you know, not to accept people at face value. If they say they are what they are, then they are.
You wouldn't like to be told that you don't know yourself, and are not intelligent enough to understand religion, would you?
This is real. I am apostate by choice, fully informed, and not regretful. My heart is wide open. I am capable of love too great for Islam to handle. I won't draw a line between me and you. I refuse. There is no difference between us.
Don't let Hitler have the street.