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     OP - October 14, 2013, 09:27 PM

    I wish all my fans and followers Eid Mubarak. Whether it is on Tues/Wed or Thursday. They make it easy on the british, my mosques   Arabic/Urdu  jamaat 9am   English 10am. Khutba - half hour long beforehand. Gonna stroll in at 10am.

    May Allah grant you wishes, 3. (of them)

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #1 - October 14, 2013, 09:29 PM


    May Allah grant you wishes, 3. (of them)

    Not 4?  only three?? what happened to the fourth one  devilsadvokat??   yes   EID MUBARAK....  and many more returns of Eid..

    but..but  Huh?  Eid is supposed to be sacrifice.. self sacrifice for the benefit of the mankind and the planet in general.,  Those days are gone.. Now it is sacrifice others and other things for self.,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
     Reply #2 - October 14, 2013, 09:53 PM


    3 is the magic number

    And for the rest - the same things apply the whole world over. capitalism here since the 80's to now would fit into that narrative. On yer bike.

    I am just glad that the mosque I am going to in the morning is not likely to be a site for a suicide bombing. May Eid pass of peacefully. But will it? Will it fuck? We should open a book here. Give odds as to which cities/towns are going to be bombed in the next few day. Top trumps - the one with most casualties, death superior to casualties. What odds on Peshawar? This is right up your street yee.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #3 - October 14, 2013, 10:37 PM

    Happy Eid! Although I disagree with it's principles and what not, it's important to my family so I go along with it. Smile and enjoy spending some time with family.

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
     Reply #4 - October 14, 2013, 10:40 PM

    Many happy returns. Stardust - ethereal moniker.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #5 - October 15, 2013, 12:40 AM


    3 is the magic number

    And for the rest - the same things apply the whole world over. capitalism here since the 80's to now would fit into that narrative. On yer bike.

    I am just glad that the mosque I am going to in the morning is not likely to be a site for a suicide bombing. May Eid pass of peacefully. But will it? Will it fuck? We should open a book here. Give odds as to which cities/towns are going to be bombed in the next few day. Top trumps - the one with most casualties, death superior to casualties. What odds on Peshawar? This is right up your street yee.

    Eid Mubarak. My bet and my sympathy is on and for Peshawar.
    Say hello to the masjid for me.  I never did get to pray on the main floor of one. I saw a ladies only mosque in Abu Dhabi, once. That was a surprise.
    Three is a good number. I second your 3.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
     Reply #6 - October 15, 2013, 01:03 AM

    I'm protesting AGAINST this Eid.

     Reply #7 - October 15, 2013, 01:09 AM

    Eat vegetarian.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
     Reply #8 - October 15, 2013, 01:11 AM

    It's awful isn't it. I remember in Rawalpindi seeing acres and acres of sheep/goats/variations of, literally as far as the eye could see. All ready for the chop. I have a video where one guy just grabs the legs and places him in position adjacent to the man with the sharpest sword ever, he just slices clean through, less than a second.

    I remember in Pakistan having to see these two fine specimens of tallish goats, had them for a few days, being british we have a different of view of animals, tho our farmers are also not loveydovey about animals, over there our concern is don't know the adjective.

    So you feed them, care for them, I mean this is actually written, like them like your pets/sons and then kill them!! How fucking insane and sadistic is that!!

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #9 - October 15, 2013, 01:11 AM

    Eat vegetarian.

    Are you?

    or is that your solution to the population explosion and there is an 'a' missing between eat and vegetarian?

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #10 - October 15, 2013, 01:16 AM

    Oh yes. I am vegetarian. Meat makes me ill.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
     Reply #11 - October 15, 2013, 01:26 AM

    Oh yes. I am vegetarian. Meat makes me ill.

    if it didn't?

    One of my pet theories is that the vegetarian lifestyle is more 'evolved' than the 'meat-eating'? lifestyle. Something to do with being further removed from our animal past.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #12 - October 15, 2013, 01:57 AM

    If I can't look it in the eyes and club it over the head for my own consumption, I won't eat it. I can do it for my kids, but not for myself. I don't even have a queasy stomach, I can wade around in blood without a twitch. I just feel I have alternatives, and I prefer them. If I wanted it more, I would do it. It would take only two weeks to a month to retrain my digestive system back onto meat.
    I have only wanted it once or twice in twenty five years.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
     Reply #13 - October 15, 2013, 02:02 AM

    wanted it? Did you? What was it? what do miss the most (or you don't) - but you let your kids eat meat tho, sausages/pork? personally don't feel well unless I have eaten some meat in the day, even if it is tuna/fish.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #14 - October 15, 2013, 02:06 AM

    Luckily I can kill a fish.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
     Reply #15 - October 15, 2013, 02:10 AM

    Good night 3.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #16 - October 16, 2013, 01:29 PM

    The scenes of livestock destined for slaughter on the outskirts of Rawalpindi that I mention above. Would be a good place/setting for a chase scene, I mean it goes on forever, you would need CGI to bring so many animals together. two dudes running through that? Fucking crazy.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
     Reply #17 - October 16, 2013, 02:33 PM

    Eat vegetarian.

    I couldn't eat a whole one. That'd just be greedy.

    Is that my taxi? Thank you..
     Reply #18 - October 16, 2013, 03:41 PM

    The scenes of Rawalpindi that I mention ..
    .........Fucking crazy...

    yap.... .Fucking crazy... and bizarre.,

    and the news gives one of those scenes from RAWALPINDI

    RAWALPINDI: A young man was accidentally killed while slaughtering sacrificial animal in Rawalpindi, Geo News reported. According to police the incident took  place at Babul Lal Hussain road. The knife cut the throat of the young man when the sacrificial animal went out of control at the time of slaughter.
    The man was critically injured and was shifted to hospital, where he succumbed to injuries.

    well.. news from RAWALPINDI

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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