I just came to the realisation that I only introduced myself superficially
OP - February 23, 2014, 11:07 PM
I've never been one for long prose... but here goes nothing:
My story.... I was born into a household that practices Islam, I refuse to say born "Muslim" because we are not born into religions. I never questioned Islam until my late teens but even before that you could say that I still understood fallacies when I heard them. For instance, I remember once when my mother was watching a documentary and someone asked a Buddhist monk why he believes that his ideology is the best, his answer was " I can't prove it, all I have is faith". My mothers response to this was " A proper Muslim like Zakir Naik would have shut that interviewer up". Let's fast forward a few years and countless apologist arguments made by myself. I was always satisfied by my belief in Islam due to the miracle claims, until one day.... I decided to study them. Slowly I realised that none of these are actually miracles and are closer to a nomads interpretation of science, the Qur'an then seemed to be a book of its time, for it's time. My new found scientific knowledge didn't instantly make me an apostate, but it eroded my faith. I continued to study Islam until I became an agnostic and further study from that point has lead me to atheism. When I say atheism, I am an agnostic atheist.
My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.