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 Topic: Bigmo VS happymurtad

 (Read 4330 times)
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  • Bigmo VS happymurtad
     OP - July 14, 2014, 04:14 PM

    I honestly don’t care what you believe, either. You are free to believe whatever you like. I invited you to discuss your views in a civil debate that would be on record, but I’m beginning to think you aren’t interested in actually having your views challenged.

    You are no prophet and we need no savior. I’m interested in the subject of religion which is the only reason I proposed to engage with you. If you’d like to discuss, as academics do, my offer still stands.

    You said you read the Quran so what exactly do you want me to say? You want me to show why I believe its divine. Or why i believe in God?

    If you want to know what the Quran says about something than i am ready. Reading the Quran or even memorizing is not the same as being a Koranist. Being a Koranist is about understanding the deen based on the Quran which is not what the Islamic sects do.
  • Bigmo VS happymurtad
     Reply #1 - July 14, 2014, 07:47 PM

    Alright, Bigmo.

    I’ve started a one on one thread that you can post in. I’ll quote my initial proposal to you here for everyone to see.
    Quote from: happymurtad
    Salaam Alaik, BigMo.

    I hope you are well. The notion of Qur’anism is one that caught my interest as well in my last few years as a Muslim. While I ultimately found its arguments to be ill-supported and far-fetched from my perspective, the tenacity with which you defend the position is intriguing.

    I am something of a religion nerd. I have always been interested in the subjects of theology and religious scripture. My formal training is in classical Qur’anic Arabic (Islamic University, Madinah, KSA). I have also memorized something like ¾ of the Muslim holy book with scholars whose authorizations to teach (ijaazah) stretch back to the first centuries of Islamic history. (Specifically, I learned tarteel and tafseer under credited scholars from Syria, Yemen, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia.) For better or for worse, there is probably not a book on the planet that I am more familiar with than the Qur’an.

    While that is my background, my curiosity in the subject has led me to research the book from other angles as well, including from the perspectives of re-interpretationists, non-literalists, skeptics, and non-believers. While I no longer believe in the divine origin of the Qur’an, I still find this sort of discussion both engaging and fulfilling.

    As such, I’d like to invite you to a civil discussion on the nature of the Qur’an and why you believe it to be a guide of divine origin.  Taking into consideration your track record so far on this forum, I propose that we both agree at the onset to abide by forum rules, to abstain from patronizing and condescending language, and to ADDRESS EACH POINT RAISED to the best of our abilities. As I see you have been put on restriction, I invite you to start a thread in the one on one debate section of the forum. Should you accept the invitation, I think it would be a good way to present your views to the world and to have them scrutinized and evaluated. While you clearly feel strongly about your own convictions, I challenge you to see if you can persuade an audience who have not reached the same conclusions. The same will, obviously, be true for my views as well.

    From my perspective, your first feat is to prove that the Qur’an is indeed from a divine source. As you will presumably be arguing that proposition in the affirmative, I think it is only right that I let you begin by stating your case. Out of respect to both of our precious time, I propose a debate in the following format:

    Bigmo opening statement
    Happymurtad opening statement
    Bigmo rebuttal
    Happymurtad rebuttal
    Bigmo closing argument
    Happymurtad closing argument
    Open entertaining of issues raised in in the “ringside” section.

    If you are indeed serious about civilly discussing your views, I’ll wait for you to start the thread.

    The ball is now in your court, sir.  Smiley
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