The new Qur'an !!!!
OP - August 23, 2014, 05:06 PM
as you know, the London telephone directory is also from Allah.
You didn't? Let me prove it to you:
Allah saw that all his previous attempt to communicate had failed. Now Allah was careful he could not be misunderstood... He wrote the words "telephone directory" on the front. "Telephone comes from the two Greek roots "tele" meaning "from afar" and "phone" meaning voice. And "directory" comes from the Latin word dirigere meaning to guide. So it is a voice from afar guiding us. Therefore we have clear proof that the London telephone directory must be from Allah and obviously nobody is allowed to disagree with such clear logic. Those who do, must have their head cut off. I mean if the Qur'an says it is from Allah, and 1 billion Muslims believe it, because it says so, then there should be no problem here at all. It is a "self-certification", just as in the Qur'an. It says it is a guide from a voice far away, how much more proof can you possibly want?
Now let's have a closer look:
Take note of the multiple recurrence of the of the word "Smith". It comes from the root S-M-I-T-H which refers to forging something.
Allah is telling us about the importance of forging by repeating the word over and over. What we are to forge is varied, as we always get the word with slightly different information afterwards. Links, chains, swords, bank notes, alliances to fight are all included in the meaning, as are of course casual affairs in hotel rooms. Allah's main message here is that we are to be busy forgers.
More on all this later, when we we discuss the profound word of Allah "Ramsbottom" also mentioned several times, and we study Allah's most profound self-revelation in the words "Ima Hogg" in the surah "H" in connection with that. Perhaps we shall reveal once and for all the exact meaning of Allah's mysterious comment "Anurag Dikshit" in surah "D" but on the other hand I may take Allah's advice from surah B where he said "Xavier Breath".