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 Topic: The Quilliam Foundation

 (Read 13726 times)
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  • The Quilliam Foundation
     OP - November 21, 2009, 11:03 PM


  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #1 - November 21, 2009, 11:05 PM


    Islamists who seen the error of their ways?

    Doubtful ;-)

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #2 - November 21, 2009, 11:14 PM

    Some of their stuff is pretty good.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #3 - November 21, 2009, 11:22 PM

    Some of their stuff is pretty good.

    I was being provocative ;-)

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #4 - November 21, 2009, 11:26 PM

    I quite like the Quilliam Foundation - at least what I've heard about them and what some of their guys have said on TV.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #5 - November 21, 2009, 11:34 PM

    I quite like the Quilliam Foundation - at least what I've heard about them and what some of their guys have said on TV.

    Wolves in sheep's clothing? ;-)

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #6 - November 22, 2009, 12:16 AM

    Muslims hate them because they are seen as Munafiqs, toadying to the British government. I would not disagree with that, but that does not make me hostile to them.

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #7 - November 22, 2009, 12:43 AM

    Wolves in sheep's clothing? ;-)

    Come on now, there is no need for us to just be so knee-jerk mistrustful - it wasn't so long ago that I was just like these guys.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #8 - November 22, 2009, 02:27 PM

    Come on now, there is no need for us to just be so knee-jerk mistrustful - it wasn't so long ago that I was just like these guys.

    Really? I've seen you in videos - you don't look like the type would be that way inclined. Were you just a quiet radical?

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #9 - November 22, 2009, 02:28 PM

    Really? I've seen you in videos - you don't look like the type would be that way inclined. Were you just a quiet radical?

    No I was a moderate and the Quilliam foundation are moderate too!

    What makes you think they are radical?

  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #10 - November 22, 2009, 09:10 PM

    Muslims hate them because they are seen as Munafiqs, toadying to the British government. I would not disagree with that, but that does not make me hostile to them.

    Of course, they're not toadying when they're taking government money for the Radical not-really-Middle Way. 

    [this space for rent]
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #11 - November 22, 2009, 09:31 PM

    OK I know everyone is suspicious of these sorts of govt-funded bodies and if we were talking about any other group - such as the MCB - I would agree with you - but the Quilliam Foundation are OK.

    I once considered working from within the Muslim community to try and help move Muslims in the right direction - so I have respect for those moderate and decent Muslims who are trying their best to do that. I wish them the best of luck.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #12 - November 22, 2009, 09:43 PM

    Of course, they're not toadying when they're taking government money for the Radical not-really-Middle Way. 

    I think its silly to speculate on issues, to my knowledge the Q foundation is a think-tank which is fighting against Islamism - and so far have been consistent with what they've said they wanted to achieve, there idea is to push new and innovative ideas to deal with the issue, for us as ex Muslims to just dismiss them is rather short-sighted, I am happy to live together with honest law abiding Muslims who don't want to kill me for having left Islam. And these guys sure fit the bill, they are pro-democracy.     
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #13 - November 22, 2009, 10:46 PM

    Come on now, there is no need for us to just be so knee-jerk mistrustful - it wasn't so long ago that I was just like these guys.

    Now now Hassan, a healthy dose of cynicism...erm is quite healthy ;-)

    Judging by what you write....I find it hard to believe....but then again quiet ones can be quite deadly ;-).

    just kiddin :-)

    ..even if you were I feel that your heart was never in it....

    When government is paying to say things....we should always be careful...

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #14 - November 22, 2009, 11:28 PM

    What I don't like about them is that they don't actually represent Muslims and I am yet to meet a Muslim who does not dislike them. A lot of Muslims also consider them to be kafirs.

    I just think they are a pretty pointless organisation because no Muslims are taking any notice of what they say and espouse and they are treated with suspicion by Muslims.

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #15 - November 22, 2009, 11:32 PM

    I'd rather have an organisation which is honest about Islam and encourages Muslims to develop an inquisitive mind and LEAVE the religion.

    It would be nice if such an organisation received government funding for this too, but I won't hold my breath.

  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #16 - November 23, 2009, 03:33 AM

    I'd rather had an organisation which is honest about Islam and encourages Muslims develop and inquisitive mind and LEAVE the religion.

    It would be nice if such an organisation received government funding for this too, but I won't hold my breath.

    But keeping with Islam, however, has less to do with a deep heart felt attachment to Muhammad and Allah and more to do with being part of a minority group in a foreign country whose parents have raise a generation of people to be suspicious of people outside their community. Someone or something needs to address that issue.

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #17 - November 23, 2009, 07:45 AM

    In other words, Raza means his communist ex Muslim website should be receiving government support, raza, you make me laugh take your communist bs some other place this forum belongs to us ex Muslims who support democracy and capitalism.

    I have a feeling you are confusing Shahid with someone else - anyway, Shahid is not a communist and this is not a communist website - King Tut, please don't post when you are not thinking straight - go and have a lie down or something.

    I agree 100 % with Shahid - it would be great if the Govt funded us.  Afro
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #18 - November 23, 2009, 09:12 AM

    I have a feeling you are confusing Shahid with someone else - anyway, Shahid is not a communist and this is not a communist website - King Tut, please don't post when you are not thinking straight - go and have a lie down or something.

    I agree 100 % with Shahid - it would be great if the Govt funded us.  Afro

    Unfortunately the problem with funding something that is ex-something will be the appearance of being anti-something at the same time. With that being said, the UK government does need to grow a backbone and just do something and bugger the consequences. The moment when the agitators realise that their whining wont change government policy will be when the nutters go back to the privacy of their council flats.

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #19 - November 23, 2009, 05:23 PM

    I have a feeling you are confusing Shahid with someone else - anyway, Shahid is not a communist and this is not a communist website - King Tut, please don't post when you are not thinking straight - go and have a lie down or something.

    I agree 100 % with Shahid - it would be great if the Govt funded us.  Afro

    I would hate any goverment funding here.

    Independence will be compromised.

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #20 - November 23, 2009, 06:22 PM

    How did my previous post have so many typos and grammatical mistakes.  I must've been half asleep when I typed it (it's corrected now).  wacko

    btw I have no idea what King Tut was on about.  Me?  Communist?  Huh?

    I would imagine that the government wouldn't specifically target a religion and fund an ex-something organisation.  They're more likely to support a general anti-religious or atheist organisation which doesn't specifically target one religion.

    Are there any anti-religious organisations funded by the government at the moment?

  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #21 - November 23, 2009, 11:53 PM

    Yes, but they do it cleverer & more subtle than that.  The quilliam foundation is your answer, but its marketed differently of course

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  • Re: The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #22 - November 24, 2009, 10:00 PM

    i agree with Hassan. The Quilliam foundation are a good development. Trust me, atheists infidels like ourselves are NOT going to ever reach out to muslims and help them secularise - they hate us. At least they encourage Muslims to accept secular democracy and still keep their faith. Its the best we can hope for currently.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #23 - November 16, 2014, 07:51 PM

    I find Quilliam to pretty much be a useless organisation made up of sleazy middle aged male pakistani charlatans.

    Have Quilliam actually de-radicalised any muslims?I've never heard or seen muslim anywhere say that Quilliam de-radicalised them or was involved in their de-radicalisation. Not ONE SINGLE testimony from a muslim.

    Also it's hugely ironic and abit amusing that Quilliam named themselves after William Quilliam, considering that if William was alive today he'd be considered an "islamist extremist" for his pro-sharia and pro-caliphate views.
  • The Quilliam Foundation
     Reply #24 - November 22, 2014, 05:49 PM


    This is one of quilliam's projects.

    If anyone is capable of helping to solve radicalization among muslim youth it's people like Maajid Nawaz.

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
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