OP - January 07, 2015, 12:25 AM
I was feeling pretty depressed recently and just felt like writing a poem. It's very short but I thought I'd share it because I know it helps me when I can relate to other's poetry so I had a go at it myself. Also, if anyone has felt this way, do you have any advice? What've you done to overcome it? Etc. I've been feeling like this for a long time and it just won't leave - it's really been affecting me a lot. Any reply is greatly appreciated, thanks!
- - - -
These late hours remind you,
Of how you befriended insomnia years ago,
You lie there awake yet in a state of half-sleep,
Telling yourself things that you'd promised to forget,
Again and again; you're sick of it,
Remember when, at first, there was one, clear voice?
It sounded so certain that you fell to your knees in prayer,
There was hope for awhile - a bittersweet instant,
Before doubt over-grew it with its powerful vines,
The ropes of logic you tried to cut,
It isn't supposed to be easy, they say,
The right thing is difficult to do -
But right and wrong aren't like night and day,
Where the light is evident,
And the dark is too.
Logic be upon you.