I'm in conversation with a Muslim friend about the claim that the Quran is devine. I get the feeling that one big reason he believes is because the signs of the day of judgement are coming true.
eg: "Time will pass more quickly."
My friend says that he's talked to many people who keep saying "oh, I don't know where the time goes these days." - therefore it's a sign that this sign is coming true.
Humans do not track time well hence why we developed clocks. People being absent-minded or focused on a task in which they lose track of time is irrelevent as a simple clock next to them will show time has not change. It is their ability to track it which has.
*you just have anecdotal evidence
It does not fit the criteria of evidence within science, it fits within evidence within the justice system.
* people are busier these days because there is more choice of activities, communications technology allows us to organize things better etc
* when working in a day-to-day routine with little variety we tend to see one day blur into the next and a whole week can seem to pass quickly. Contract this with a holiday or some other period where you do things out of your normal routine - in those situations time seems to stretch. [/quote]
Good to see we both understand how people losing track of time is not a change of time itself but merely perception.
This is all you really need to say once you undermine what is amusingly called evidence.