How much time you waisted reading the quran when you were ex-muslim?? For me, I had to read that darn f**king thing for about 20 min a day
Hell my friends, who are now ex-muslims, said that they use to read about 2 hours of quran everyday. And they weren't even hafizis, whom I was told read about 5-7 hours a day. I was skeptical with the amount that the hafizes read as well as the amount that my friends read. But hey if those things are true then shit that's pretty crazy. Speaking about crazy have any of you guys read baqarah? Like in one day?! Because that happened to me once and that took like aaaagggeesss to read lol. I remember when I was forced to read it one time in front of imam. it took me like 4-6 hours to read it. I was glad it was only a one time thing though. I'm even more glad I don't have to read the book at all again. Anyways sorry for getting off track. How much time did you guys waste reading the quran? Was it like 1-2 hours? Less or more? Were you a hafiz that had to read like 7-8hours a day? Or were you just a regular muslim but read quran like there's no tomorrow? Shit I almost forgot. What about katums? How much time you waisted doing those things? Personally I only did like twice and it took like a year or so read it. Man they were dreadful though.
PS: Also if anyone was wondering why I aasked this question its because that I've always heard but never have I witnessed, muslims reading a lot of quran. Because I thought I read a lot (20 min/daily), but compared to others I haven't. So Im asking here to drive any doubts away on how much does a muslim, super religious or not, wastes their time reading the quran. Thx