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 Topic: Book Review: British Muslims - New Directions

 (Read 2878 times)
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  • Book Review: British Muslims - New Directions
     OP - August 24, 2019, 11:59 PM

    synopsis of British Muslims: New Directions in Islamic Thought, Creativity and Activism:

    Quote from:
    A new generation of Muslims activists, academics, religious scholars and professionals are drawing on contemporary reformist thinking emerging from outside their parents' or grandparents' tradition and are using this to inform their activism. This positive new thinking is traced as it impacts and shapes the burgeoning field of Muslim women s activism, the formation of religious leaders, what is to count as Muslim politics , the dynamics of de-radicalisation and what has been dubbed the New Muslim Cool in music, fashion and culture.

    even weeds produce pretty flowers - but remain weeds nonetheless. here'sa quote from the review:

    Quote from:
    What British Muslims does is show that this maturing generation is now remaking the British Islamic institutional infrastructures that previously were castigated for only expressing the perspectives of conservative, invariably male community elders. Likewise, it shows how the Islamist-inspired movements that appealed to young people in the 1990s are now, precisely because of those young recruits, being transformed.

  • Book Review: British Muslims - New Directions
     Reply #1 - August 25, 2019, 12:12 AM

    the missing edit button is proving to be a real pain. anyway, the book cover is pretty spot on - a poster for positive progress. at least in some people's eyes.

  • Book Review: British Muslims - New Directions
     Reply #2 - August 25, 2019, 09:27 AM

    the missing edit button is proving to be a real pain. anyway, the book cover is pretty spot on - a poster for positive progress. at least in some people's eyes.

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    crumble puts out a picture of a book from a good guy Sadek Hamid  and a  blog on that book from  LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS  Stephen H. Jones WHO ALLEGEDLY is a sociologist of religion whose research focuses on the intersections between belief, politics and public policy. His primary areas of expertise are in Islam and Muslims in the UK and religious and non-religious publics’ perceptions of science. He is General Secretary of the Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN), and a Lecturer in the Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham. He tweets at @StphnHwrdJns.

    The book is OK w.r.t  British Muslims    but  I am afraid  neither Sadek Hamid nor Stephen H. Jones   know very little about "ISLAMIC THOUGHT" which is heading of that book.,  because  neither of them read Quran, or hadith or early Islam history  .. So they can talk about Muslims that are born after 1995  but their background on early Islam.. Islamic scriptures and early Islamic history is questionable ,,'

    anyways that is dr. Sadek Hamid's 2nd book

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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