sadia joins and asks a very important Question.,
Is faith and religion the same thing? I recently debated at the Cambridge union. The question was "has this house lost faith is faith?", interesting many felt their was a difference between faith and religion, so I wondered what everyone else was thinking.
hello sadia.,welcome to CEMBDEN ., don't you have any link of a video of that debate online ? many of those Cambridge union debates are online... on your question
Is faith and religion the same thing? ans: No they are NOT one and the same .,
Faith is an Individual hypothesis/assumption explored / explorable by the person who started it or few people around him who may have/had some faith in some concept whether it is about presence/absence of god or any other zillion things ..
Again faith is EXPLOITABLE NOT EXPLOITABLE unlike the religion. Religion around a faith is entirely different thing., this organized faith/religion could be coordinated by a small group
(often I call it as cult) or a large group where it become religion. Now when it becomes religion it starts controlling the society OFTEN STAGNATING IT. External to the society it is born, the so called religion becomes a warmongering ideology for converting others into it by force or by brain washing the folks or by both roots.
Off course we can add many more such statements differentiating the two...
with best wishes