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 Topic: Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor

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  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     OP - June 30, 2022, 02:50 PM

    Killing of a Poor Tailor ., Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy .. News is all over the world..  well here are th elinks

    Hindu tailor murdered in India’s Udaipur over prophet remarks  By Indian Lady Nupur Sharma   says news   .....

    Brutal killing Hindu tailor murdered in India stirs fears of escalating religious violence

    Killing of Hindu tailor prompts internet shutdown in India

    And all that is done because of the debate on Indian TV about Aisha RA and Prophet flying on Horsie to that heavens...

    and the results of that is this

    Well Arzoo  says something on that

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #1 - June 30, 2022, 03:18 PM

    well I have to Go India now...  neglected that country for a long time ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #2 - June 30, 2022, 04:04 PM

    Did Muhammad Ali Mirza defend Nupur Sharma? | @Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza

    Well Now it is Pakistan "Muhammad"  Vs Indian Muhammad....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #3 - July 01, 2022, 02:30 AM

    Tarek Fatah and Arzoo Kazmi discusses  that Murder Poor Tailor  guy in India in the name of Blasphemy ..
    And Pakistan-born barrister, Khalid Umar ( IAM GLAD TO SEE HIM TO COME OUT ON THIS) speaks to some Indian on this barbaric brutal act of   rogues of Islam...

    and this is Khalid Umar  website

    and this is Ex-Muslim channel from India

    that is a great discussion on Miss  Nupur Sharma  Blasphemy   and this is

    their channel..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #4 - July 01, 2022, 04:46 AM

    well above post videos are from outspoken folks that are born in Islam and from Pakistan and they still follow some Islam who self filters Quran and most of hadith and it is a good thing ., After all If I REMOVE SOME 20% of Quran verses from that 6300 verses of that  book then what we have is saying that you will find essentially  in every faith specially OT & NT books ., So what s happening wonderful...

    and here is the video from   Ex-Muslims  from India., fortunately the languages of subcontinent Urdu and Hindi are essentially same   with different written  scripts anyways

    off course they are LOOSING THE FAITH., with Idiots like you and Indian Zakir Joker preaching Islam ., It is getting faster and faster ., now let me watch this videos of yours

    and address your problems..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #5 - July 01, 2022, 02:55 PM

    PMwell I have to Go India now...  neglected that country for a long time ..

    The world has neglected India. Maybe we can all educate ourselves about India and in particular how Islam arrived there.

    After all If I REMOVE SOME 20% of Quran verses from that 6300 verses of that  book then what we have is saying that you will find essentially  in every faith specially OT & NT books ., So what s happening wonderful...

    Or better still, remove 100% of the verses? Ultimately the real problem will always be whether you believe that some fucking angel visited some illiterate merchant in a cave to give him messages from a supernatural deity. It will always come down to that.

  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #6 - July 02, 2022, 12:21 PM

    Ultimately the real problem will always be whether you believe that some fucking angel visited some illiterate merchant in a cave to give him messages from a supernatural deity.

    i think it would be more palatable in anime form!

  • Wild Fires are Lit in India in the name of Blasphemy., Killing of Poor Tailor
     Reply #7 - July 23, 2022, 09:05 PM

    The world has neglected India. Maybe we can all educate ourselves about India and in particular how Islam arrived there.

    I am fairly well educated on  India  that was there before British  colonialism entered  in to subcontinent  and I am also fairly well educated on How Islam entered the Indian subcontinent ., What I am NOT well educated is Political, religious, social, economical,  linguistic cultural complexities of present India  and its governments .. Now I am not worried about India but worried about its PURIFIED  western neighbor
    Or better still, remove 100% of the verses? Ultimately the real problem will always be whether you believe that some fucking angel visited some illiterate merchant in a cave to give him meassages from a supernatural deity. It will always come down to that.

     No., no.....  one need NOT REMOVE ANYTHING FROM QURAN.,    what we need is  open discussion  on its origins and how much of it is new and how much of it copy/pasted stories of OT/NT books .

    as far as  meassages from a supernatural deity on illiterate merchant is concerned., .. "THERE WAS NEITHER ILLETRATE MERCAHNT NOR ANY MESSAGE FROM SOME SUPER NATURAL DIETY"

    Much of the Quran was already present in Arabic text  before the birth of so-called Muhammad  and his Islam., Incidentally His NAME WAS NOT MUHAMMAD.... and  There was NO Muhammad .,    I call that person him  as First Arabic preacher of Arab folks on Monotheistic idea of  religion .,   rest of garbage,  including RUBBISH IN QURAN written way after his murder by rogues and those rogues of Islam used his name for their loot and booty ., .. Such unquestionable Islam continues to this day., That is old unwritten history., Today I am Not worried about that  but worried about this boy

    and IDIOTS in India... and news was

    Prophet Row: Who is Saad Ansari supporting Nupur Sharma’s statement? Why the arrest?

    about that 19 year old young man.. it says
    Who is Saad Ansari?

    Saad Ashfaq Ansari was arrested on June 12 after the incident of attack in the Prophet Muhammad controversy. Saad Ashfaq Ansari is a resident of Bhiwandi, Maharashtra. 19 years old Saad is an engineering student. It is alleged that Saad was about to support the statement of suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma on social media. He wrote that he does not support any religion. I dread living in a world where you and your family could be killed because you talked about a man who died many years ago.

    Why was Saad Ansari arrested?

    Police believe that Saad Ansari’s post caused a stir in Bhiwandi. The people of the Muslim community were demanding the arrest of Saad. On the other hand, Saad’s lawyer said that he does not support Nupur Sharma’s statement. Police have registered a case against those who entered Ansari’s house. FIR has been registered against more than 100 people. A notice has been sent to the people who have been identified by the police.

      that is the a month old news from India ., Not sure about that Muslim  boy fate today in that country

    and this is India today on that wild fire

    zee  Damn it is a fish Market .. live fish making noise

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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