Surely your ex would have no legal basis for taking the kids, would she? There is supposed to be freedom of religion in the UK.
I don't want a battle. She is talking about taking them back when they get to secondary school age. I am ignoring it coz she knows I am better with the kids than she is (she has no patience), but she has had stick from a friend about my videos and so been prodded into taking the kids back from her Murtad ex to save their deen. I think she is thinking it's ok while they are little but will demand them back when they get a bit bigger. I'm not good at battles. I don't want trouble - just my kids.
Hass I never wanted to fight either, I am not a fighter in stuff like this, but yours would be a whole lot shorter than mine, and the judge would have you guys out of the door in no time.
What will you do if she turns around and demands them now? you won't cave in for the sake of peace, you love your kids, I know you will fight for them.
So be who you want to be Hass, don't be afraid of what will come, your kids deserve a father who they can respect and admire and follow, and your courage will be appreciated by them, believe me