Ummah-ism invites prejudice upon Muslims - Islam contains its own guilt
OP - December 17, 2009, 04:53 PM
Just putting some coalesced thoughts down here.
* The idea of Ummah actually invites bigotry towards Muslims because it sends bigotry outwards. If all Muslims are one single spiritual body, and an attack on Islam is an attack on all Muslims - then this logic can be extended easily to say that an attack by one Muslim on non Muslims is an attack by all Muslims - leaving believers open to claims of collective culpability and collective responsibility for things like terrorist attacks. After all, Ummah-ism asserts collective responsibility by the kuffar world in its dealings with Islam, and the moral and spiritual and reductive inter-connectedness of Islam and its adherents. Ummah-ism actually invites this upon Muslims - and negates the individuated lives of Muslims, and opens dialogue with the most regressive of human impulses in the 'infidel' world.
* Muslims assert themselves that Islam is deterministic, because through dawah, and through the collective evangelical impulse, and visibly through dawah stories (just watch those videos), they assert that Islam, and the Quran, directly determines behaviour, for the better. But the flip side of this, then, is that when Muslims carry out acts of violence in the name of the religion and abided by the Quran, it is also deterministic. In other words, if Islam is deterministic in changing lives supposedly for the better (because Islam is a source-code for a Muslim and a converts higher superior behaviour and life, which every believing Muslim knows to be true in their hearts) then it is also deterministic when acts of violence or intolerance are carried out by the letter of the Quran. On the one hand, Islam asserts the determinism of its power, until something bad is ascribed to it, in which case the Muslims were simply 'misunderstanding' Islam, or were in some way being false, or rogue. But that is not sustainable in the modern world. The contradiction is too great.
Islam contains its own 'guilt' because it asserts that it contains its own 'goodness'. In its practical expression of 'ummah-ism' it takes that a step further spiritually and ideologically, and actually invites prejudice onto Muslims because it asserts the lack of individuation and projects ideas of collective responsibility and guilt itself.
Islam really does fuck Muslims up.
"we can smell traitors and country haters"
God is Love.
Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.