I am a moral relativist so I don't really have an objection to Mohammed's character. I am also an existentialist in case you are wondering.
Does moral relativity make a difference to the fact that kids aren't ready for marriage at 6 when they don't even understand the concept? Or that their biology can barely handle becoming pregnant as soon as they reach puberty? Or that they can cope having sex without their vagina ripping apart?
During that period of time and within that culture it was perfectly normal. Do I consider it to be unethical YES, but at the time they did not know any better. I don't condone it, I just say ethics are not OBJECTIVE they change over time. And I don't want to debate this any further.
Tut what are you talking about?Ordinary men can be excused but how can we say the same about Muhhamad? IF he did what ordinary men did then what is the difference between him and ordinary men? Shouldnt he be different from them? Btw I can understand a common man not understanding but a man who claims to communicate with GOD also doesnt know that child sex and child marriage are evil is just too much. How come GOD doesnt know this ? If he knows then how could he show Aisha to Muhhamad in his dreams instead of forbidding this custom?
God, does not exist, and there is no such thing as "evil" it is just a cultural archetype, of a dulistic mindset, i.e. Good vs. Evil these are archaic beliefs.
Seriously, KT....some of these Greek philosophers were pedophiles....and no better than Mohammed....maybe some were even worse. And Plato was a fascist.
But isn't religion (whether it is Islam, Christianity, Judaism....or any other religion mainstream or not) supposed to separate from that? Granted many philosophers like Socrates involved themselves in homosexual activity, but what does that have to do with religion, or Islam? Islam claims to be the one true religion of God, and many Muslims argue that it is the foundation of ethics. Wouldn't the similarities (in terms of Mo's pedophilia and the philosophers) nullify that?
Also, what has Plato being a fascist got to do with anything? Saddam Hussein was a fascist and a Muslim too
I don't see how that is relevant to the thread at all. Fascism is a political ideology whereas Plato's philosophical ideas were just that - philosophy. There is an awesome quote by George Orwell about fascism being meaningless...I'm sure you can find it on Google.
Oh. I'm not defending Mohammed or Islam. You're right. All religions claim to be the foundation of ethics.....and I suppose many philosophies do not, since they are more about pragmatism than anything else, on the most part. Plato did speak of an ideal government. I guess he never said anything about it being moral or ethical....rather, it's efficiency. His ideas were fascist...but at least he never claimed it to be any more than than what it was.
If not "fascist", then how about "totalitarian"? We know that exists.