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 Topic: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)

 (Read 6774 times)
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  • Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     OP - May 30, 2009, 09:08 PM

    Hey people might start noticing some apparently harmless posts being "Edited by osmanthus". I don't want to be an asshole about it but what I'm doing sometimes is removing superfluous quotes to keep threads cleaner and easier to scroll through.

    I know it's just human nature to hit the quote button when you see a post you want to reply to, and in a fast moving thread you need to quote so your reply doesn't get disconnected from the post you're replying to. However if it's not a fast moving thread there is no usually need to quote the post directly above you, and not doing so can vastly reduce the amount of scrolling that is needed to read the thread. Makes it easier for everyone Wink

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #1 - May 30, 2009, 09:59 PM

    I don't want to be an asshole about it

    You're an admin/moderator, you are the authority, so you're automatically an asshole... ^_^
    I think you're doing it good though... xD I hate to search for the actual reply...

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #2 - May 30, 2009, 10:15 PM

    You're an admin/moderator, you are the authority, so you're automatically an asshole... ^_^

    lol... I like your style, kiddo  grin12
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #3 - May 30, 2009, 10:20 PM

     grin12  Tongue  I figured I should post to forestall umpteen questions about "Why was my post edited?"

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #4 - May 30, 2009, 10:29 PM

    grin12  Tongue  I figured I should post to forestall umpteen questions about "Why was my post edited?"

    Fascist, tyrant, pig-dog, authoritarian bastard!
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #5 - May 30, 2009, 10:32 PM

    That's the reason.  dance

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #6 - May 30, 2009, 11:37 PM

    Oh yeah and I turned off nested quotes. From now on the auto-quote thingy will only quote the one post. If you want to insert quotes from extra posts you can use the list of posts below the reply form. They all have a quote link next to them. Note that this will not work on quick reply, only on the standard, full reply page.

    Reason is that although you could only see a maximum of three nested quotes displayed, when constantly quoting quotes on long threads the whole damned lot of them were still linked up in the database. You can see this if you quote or edit one such post. I think this is one of the main reaons why people have had some degree of difficulty when splitting up quotes to make their replies to points clearer: the amount of extra rubbish makes it hard to keep track of things.

    I have asked for someone at SMF to consider coding a mod which only links the displayed nested quotes but nobody has been up for it yet. I may have a crack at it myself. Can't be that horrible to code.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #7 - May 31, 2009, 12:26 AM




    We keep hearing about how Jack Straw or the French government have mentioned the veil and our doing so puts us in the same boat as them. How so? I want a ban on the burka, neqab and child veiling.

    you can either defend women or you must defend Islam. You can’t defend both

    - Maryam Namaze
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #8 - May 31, 2009, 12:34 AM

    evil  plan  bunny

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #9 - May 31, 2009, 12:51 AM

    Just "Muslim" sums up basically everything... xD

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #10 - June 01, 2009, 01:51 PM

    Oh yeah and I turned off nested quotes.

    Wisest decision you've made since leaving Islam. Wink Now how about using bigger fonts, so I don't have to increase the zoom level? 001_tongue
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #11 - June 01, 2009, 03:44 PM

    Wisest decision you've made since leaving Islam. Wink Now how about using bigger fonts, so I don't have to increase the zoom level? 001_tongue

    Glasses. Get glasses. Or lens.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Editing posts (evil admins n stuff)
     Reply #12 - June 01, 2009, 08:23 PM

    What he said.  Tongue  No way do I want to look at bigger fonts. What I could do though at some point is make another copy of the default theme with larger text. That wouldn't be all that difficult as it's only some minor changes to the css.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
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