Is word order so strict in Arabic that you can't switch subject and attribute?
God's prophet is Mohammad
instead of
Mohammad is the prophet of God.
To say "God's Messenger is Mohamed" you need to add at least one more letter as such:
الله رسول
ه محمد
But it is not and as infidel said. It only can mean: Allah is the messenger of Mohamed. And that is the weiredst thing to say from a Muslims prespective.
Now, what if the true islam is not the one we know it. Mohamed lookad at him selve as the GOD and not a messenger. I know this might sounds OTT speculation. But ever wondered what does "Salla Allaho Alayhe Wa Salem" realy means in arabic?
I only know one meaning of it and that is Allah prays to Mohamed. This too made me puzled when I was a an unquestioning Muslim. How can the creator pray to the creature he created?
Muslim say it all the time, and it is in the Quran. When ever they mention the name Mohamed, the have to say "Sala Allaho Alayhe was Salam". So the translation: Peace be upon him is misleading and not correct.