- that's why I'm sceptical about this whole g-spot business . I can't remember any man ever asking me to do anything to his foreskin , I'm sure if it was that pleasurable you'd all know about it ....
There are plently of reasons why a man won't ask you to get your tongue inside his foreskin - for a start we've been demonising it as filthy for around 150 years and women especially are often irrationally prejudiced about it! And then there is the pervasive myth that the glans is more sensitive - biologically untrue and yet repeated continually including by TV docs. In the act itself or a hand job it's not that easy to pinpoint where sensation is coming from so that just reinforces the pseudoscience ...
For the record no one's ever asked me to pay attention specifically to his foreskin or frenulum either but once i did he made lovely noises and wanted me to do it again! Why not try it, what's to lose?
Re Islame's comments that lengthy sex must automatically be better this is pure myth. When Solinis et al interviewed couples who'd experienced the aftermath of an adult circ 2/3 of the women said he took longer to come, but only 10% found this to be a benefit. There are also reports that cut men are less gentle and more goal orientated, and that their partners experience more chafing. On average it's been found that women orgasm more easily with intact men.
I do believe my boyfriend's experience is typical of someone who's had a harsh Muslim style cut (which excised the whole lot including frenulum). Frankly i find myself cursing his parents and thinking, couldn't you have even left him (and by extension me) that bit of pleasure?
It's especially ironic considering that Prophet Abraham's original cut only took off the overhang....