Hi Tommy,
Did anyone actually answer your question?
Didn't you ask:
A general overview of how Judaism transformed to Christianity.
EDIT: The actual history, not what Christians and Muslims believe.
All of Judaism was a number of steps to restoring God's creation back to him after a angel rebelled and insighted Adam and Eve to depart from wanting to be directed by thier Creator. Raising into question if the loving Creator really had the right and would really be the best at directing his own creation.
Abraham wanted to follow God's direction because he had come to understand that God would be best at directing his creation. Because Abrahams loyalty to and love of his Creator, God promised him that his decsendants would become a nation and that all other nations would bless themselves by means of Abraham's seed.
Later in history Abraham's seed by which all nations would bless themselves was revealed to to be Jesus.
At the time of Jesus' life on earth the Jewish leaders (most of them anyhow) had become very rich and powerful. Most thought that they were special simplely because they were descendant of Abraham. They had become more interested in their own riches and power then they were in carefully administering the directions and loving care of God to all poeple interested in being directed by God. So they rejected the Messiah Jesus and opted for their own riches, power and the esteem of men.
At that time there were however many people who loved God and wanted to be directed by him. So these people listened to Jesus and came to understand his teaching about the Kingdom of God that would bring mankind and the whole earth back into the perfect paradise that God alway intended for mankind. These people came to be called Christians (which means like the Christ).
Since the Jews as a nation rejected the Messiah they rejected God's convenant with that nation for a Kingdom.
This opened the way for people of all nation, including Jews, to as individuals show their desire and willingness to be part of that Kingdom either as kings and priests or as citizens as they would be directed by God.
That in brief is my take on your question. I am real sure, as my Jewish relatives will confirm, that I have not told this account with the excultion of my Christian believes. I'm not sure that there is a way to tell this account without including the tellers believes.
Hope I've been helpful.