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 Topic: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces

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  • Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     OP - December 06, 2009, 10:42 PM

    I don't have any sources, but saw a news report about it on an Arabic news channel.

    I was shocked to say the least, and could not understand how it can happen. Has anybody heard about this? What have these women done? What was the punishment for the offenders? Is it Islamic?
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #1 - December 06, 2009, 10:48 PM

    If you are easily shocked and one of those queasy types then do not go on this link.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #2 - December 06, 2009, 10:49 PM

    This is a typical practice across the Muslim world. It's also prevalent in south asia. Usually one of 2 reason:

    1) Rejected male suitor taking revenge (not really related to religion happens in non-muslim parts of asia too)
    2) Islamic fundamentalists punishing local women for not properly covering up or being too free and open.

    I don't think there's anything in Islam to warant it, acid is a haram kuffar invention after all.  Tongue

    But it is part and parcel of the spirit of keeping women in their place through means of terror. What is worse for a women than destroying her face and her beauty? It's typical Islamic terror tactics. So to me it is very Islamic.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #3 - December 06, 2009, 10:59 PM

    Fuck me.

    That's the best response I have. I honestly don't know what to say. I can't believe men would treat women like this. Jesus, it's amazing that men haven't been wiped off the planet yet. I am right now ashamed to be a man.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #4 - December 06, 2009, 11:04 PM

    Same here bro. There are really no words to describe what ras111 posted. Really, I'm no violent man.. but the men who did that need to be tortured to death in the most heinous ways imaginable.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #5 - December 06, 2009, 11:13 PM

    Same here bro. There are really no words to describe what ras111 posted. Really, I'm no violent man.. but the men who did that need to be tortured to death in the most heinous ways imaginable.

    What would that involve? forcing them to listen to lady gaga whilst being raped by an 18inch black dildo with no lube.

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #6 - December 06, 2009, 11:15 PM

    They would probably like that, savages that they are. Sad thing is these cowardly animals probably get away with their crimes.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #7 - December 07, 2009, 01:34 AM

    That is what egoism does to people.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #8 - February 18, 2010, 05:21 PM

    Oh my goodness...I am so upset and angry after seeing that link that ras111 could anyone live with themselves after committing such a disgusting act.  finmad
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #9 - February 18, 2010, 05:55 PM

    You really need a perverted and twisted mind to do such things to another human being.

    Wow... words fail me.

    I mean... what a little pathetic ego do this guys have, to punish a women if she dousnt want them?! Small dicked pricks... finmad

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves." - from Goethes Faust
    "Only the wisest and the stupidest men never change." - Confuzios
    "there is no religion of peace, only people who are peaceful while being religious."
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #10 - February 18, 2010, 05:57 PM

     Cry Cry Cry Cry  finmad finmad finmad finmad finmad finmad

    My ex threatened to get people to throw acid my face if I left him, or give me a joker smile instead.

    It's about being rejected and scorned, note most of stories regarding this issue are always about a girl who rejected a suitor, and the suitor gets revenge in the "If I can't have you, no one can" infantile mindset they have.

    Makes my blood boil.  finmad

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #11 - February 18, 2010, 06:01 PM

    That's why seeing these women makes me thankful that I have matured and am now (hopefully) less of a jerk then I used to be.  Infantile egoism is a horrible thing, and I doubt whether those men that did it feel remorse.  At best they would feel sorry for getting caught.

    Seeing first hand how the egoism of some makes others suffer has been a powerful lesson for me.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #12 - February 18, 2010, 06:07 PM

    Yeah, barring extreme measures like this, some guys really react badly when you reject them.  Call you names, get threatening towards you, it's all pretty childish.

    Jealousy, spite, ownership, sad state of humanity at times.

    To take it to ruining the womans entire life, all because she said no, that's worthy of a barbaric punishment all of it's own.

    No one can tell me that these guys need help, they don't, they need justice to be handed out to them.  finmad

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #13 - February 18, 2010, 06:10 PM

    You see alot of these guys come from fairly restrictive societies. They are not used to or sure how to deal with women in a civilized manner. You rarely see this shit happening in open and less sexually repressive societies because those socities allow men to "grow" in how they relate to women.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #14 - February 18, 2010, 06:36 PM

    There was a case of a Somali woman in Birmingham who was arrested for murder just the other day after her 3 year old child was found dead of acid wounds  Cry

    Also, its not just a Muslim thing - there have been a few cases of Afro-Carribean guys using acid on rape victims - most recently there was this glamour model who left her boyfriend and he melted her face with acid. She gave a load of interviews about it, she didn't want to hide away from the world, all that kind of thing.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #15 - February 18, 2010, 06:38 PM

    I don't get the afro-caribean guys doing it. Is it common among them? Is this practice common in Africa? I thought it was a mostly south asian / south east asian phenomenon.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #16 - February 18, 2010, 06:42 PM

    I don't know if it is a trend, but I just noticed in the news on a few high profile occasions the last few years, of young black men using acid against women.

    There was a case in Tottenham and a gang rape in Reading that had the girl being doused in acid and shot.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #17 - February 19, 2010, 01:58 PM

    Acid Throwing is a despicable crime, and those men that do such shit should get their dick chopped off. Absolutely ridiculous to ruin a woman's face just because she doesn't like you. I know they do this a lot in Bangladesh!
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #18 - February 19, 2010, 02:19 PM

    Acid Throwing is a despicable crime, and those men that do such shit should get their dick chopped off. Absolutely ridiculous to ruin a woman's face just because she doesn't like you.


    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #19 - February 19, 2010, 02:21 PM

    BTW; where do these people get the acid from?  It's not like you can go down to your local supermarket or chemists and say, 'Hey, I'd like a quart of sulphuric acid, please!'

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #20 - February 19, 2010, 02:28 PM

    BTW; where do these people get the acid from?  It's not like you can go down to your local supermarket or chemists and say, 'Hey, I'd like a quart of sulphuric acid, please!'

    Metallurgists and other craftsmen or people that might use H2SO4 for their work... Its not difficult.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #21 - February 19, 2010, 02:40 PM

    These attacks are cultural phenomena

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #22 - February 19, 2010, 04:13 PM

    :'( :'( :'( :'(  finmad finmad finmad finmad finmad finmad

    My ex threatened to get people to throw acid my face if I left him, or give me a joker smile instead.

    It's about being rejected and scorned, note most of stories regarding this issue are always about a girl who rejected a suitor, and the suitor gets revenge in the "If I can't have you, no one can" infantile mindset they have.

    Makes my blood boil.  finmad

    I know I posted this before but did you hear about the Algerian sisters Yasmine and Sabrina, killed by the fiancee (Mohammad Ali) of one - he accused her of being a slut - I believe she was trying to break off the relationship because he was abusive. So many men (and I'm sorry to say - Muslim men) get away with quite literally murder!.

    This is Sabrina's Youtube channel that is still live. It's just her singing a song, but I find it very moving and it makes me angry at the same time! EDIT - she was 19!
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #23 - February 19, 2010, 04:18 PM

    Hassan I remember when those horrific murders took place - it happened in some of the nicest apartment blocks in the centre of Birmingham, near the canals and all the hip bars and clubs and nice restaurants, not too far from where I had once lived for a few months. It was shocking and so sad.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #24 - February 19, 2010, 04:22 PM

    Hassan I remember when those horrific murders took place - it happened in some of the nicest apartment blocks in the centre of Birmingham, near the canals and all the hip bars and clubs and nice restaurants, not too far from where I had once lived for a few months. It was shocking and so sad.

    Yes I know the area. When we had a meet-up in Birmingham we had a walk round the shopping arcade and canals there. I didn't realise that was where it happened.

    What makes me angry is that the unreported side is that it's all about male ego and in many cases the Muslim male ego and disregard/despising of women.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #25 - February 19, 2010, 05:11 PM

    the men who did that need to be tortured to death in the most heinous ways imaginable.


    BTW; where do these people get the acid from?  It's not like you can go down to your local supermarket or chemists and say, 'Hey, I'd like a quart of sulphuric acid, please!'

    Car batteries. In the US "battery acid" can be purchased at some automotive supply stores, and sulfuric acid can also be found in some products available in hardware stores. I remember there used to be a Drano-like product you could get at hardware stores that was mostly, if not entirely, composed of sulfuric acid. Or, you could just tap a car battery and get it directly from there.

    fuck you
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #26 - February 19, 2010, 05:52 PM

    Oh come on, don't be so cruel to those men, they have feelings too you know....  Its not really their fault, its they way they were brought up.  They are just a bit immature at time and did not think properly.  Shit happens you know....  All they need is some coffe and someone to tell them that what they did was not nice.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #27 - February 20, 2010, 08:18 PM

    Here are some unfortunate women folk that became victims of male rage .. You can see there faces by clicking the links

    Saira Liaqat, 26, poses for the camera as she holds a portrait of herself before being burnt, at her home in Lahore. Saira was married to her relative who would later attack her after insistently demanding her to live with him, although the families had agreed she wouldn't join him until she finished school. Saira has undergone plastic surgery 9 times to try to recover from her scars.
    Burn victim Sabira Sultana, 30, who was burnt with gasoline by her husband for not giving enough dowry upon their marriage, is now a beautician.
    Naeema Azar was a successful real estate agent living in Pakistan. Shortly after divorcing her husband, he came by allegedly to visit their three children. But while in the home he poured acid onto Azar’s face, burning her horribly and leaving her blind and disfigured.
    Acid attack victims attend an International Women's Day ceremony in Dhaka. Photograph: Farjana K Godhuly/AFP
    Kamilat Mehdi, 21, had a bright future ahead of her. She dreamt about doing a degree and becoming an air hostess.  Kamilat Mehdi knew her attacker
    (Clicky for piccy!)
    "It was like burning in hell," says Zarina Ramzan, recalling how acid burned through her upper body, melting away the skin and flesh on her face, neck and chest.

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    Zarina Ramzan Before acid attack
    Zarina Ramzan after acid attack

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    DEMANDING JUSTICE: Members of `Campaign and Struggle against Acid Attacks on Women' staging a demonstration in Bangalore Indian city..

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    An Indian lady Anuradha lost her left eye in a 1997 attack

    Anuradha was a BSc Agriculture student in 1997 when a male student threw acid on her. She lost her left eye in the attack and has since undergone 20 surgeries. She says the victim's statement should be taken into account while punishing the guilty as attacks happen mainly in secluded places and witnesses are hard to come by. Even if it takes place in public, people rarely come forward to testify.  

    These acid attacks happen on women folk  all the way from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India,  Bangladesh  to Cambodia  and disproportionate women are of Islamic background. The faces in those Jpegs speak the terror..


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #28 - February 20, 2010, 08:23 PM

    I feel like throwing up. The sickness of these minds....

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Acid thrown in muslim women's faces
     Reply #29 - February 21, 2010, 01:53 AM

    Heyjustlooking  says
    I feel like throwing up. The sickness of these minds....

    ., Greeings dear Heyjustlooking ., well throwing or hiding/forgetting will not go away., It is often a jilted lover syndrome that these male brutes take such extreme action to destroy the lives women folk that they think they are in love with. To alleviate this horrible criminal activity., it needs strong counter action heavy punishment to these criminals..

    Any way I was casually checking & reading upon publications how best to  treat these acid burns., on that note  I see the news from Russia., it says

    Man splashes sulfuric acid in his lover's face, begging her to marry him

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    The lovers contemplated marriage. Some time later Vlad arrived from Odessa, looking for an explanation. Tanya did not choose her words carefully when she told Vlad that their relationship was over.

    “Are you having an affair with my friend?” he gasped and looked her in the eye.

    “Get lost!” Tanya said and swung her door shut.

    On the next day she saw him standing near her house. Vlad was holding a beer bottle in his hand.

    “He just said ‘I brought some photos for you, check it out,’ and then flung some stuff from that bottle right over face. For a moment I thought he splashed beer on me, what a shame,” Tanya said.

    But the liquid that landed on Tanya’s face was not beer. It was sulfuric acid. Vlad put the acid into a beer bottle beforehand. Tanya started screaming from the excruciating pain. Somehow she managed to stumble up to her porch. Her mother called an ambulance and the police. Tanya was rushed to hospital. Her face was badly disfigured. She also had burns on her neck and breasts.

     that is today's news...

    This horrible acid throwing criminals are spreading all over the world.. Often it is sulfuric acid as it  is easy chemical to get in the market for filling those lead-acid vehicle  batteries. Any ways., The following quick actions will help to alleviate pain and damage to the skin when strong acids such as H2SO4, HCl, HNO3, or HF are splashed.,  in 99% of these cases are H2SO4 from batteries

    1). Remove any affected jewelry or clothing immediately and Rinse off the acid from the affected area as soon as possible  by applying a light stream of room temperature water over it for over 10 mts to  flush any of the residual chemical from the skin.

    2).   Flush a sulfuric acid burn with a mild soapy solution if the burn is not severe

    3). It is well established fact that chemical burns conc. acids  will  continue to cause damage for long periods after initial exposure. So washing with  cool to lukewarm is must (AVOID HOT OR ICE COLD WATER)

    4). Apply a cool towel or compress to minor burns and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help control pain. If pain increases, rinse the affected area again for 15 more minutes

    here is pdf file that gives a bit help

    I also know Calcium Gluconate will help reduce the tissue damage if that person could get a quick help from health care worker/official.  But I am actually looking for recipe that a French company makes and appears to be very efficient in decreasing tissue damage in these horrible chemical burns..

    with best

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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