Re: Mistakes of the ancient
Reply #2 - November 06, 2010, 07:39 AM
Universe and earth beginning at the same time
Adam and eve
Noahs arc
Humans fashioned from casual ancient building material
Sperm not from the testicles
Sperm the singular role in gender determination
Hell Fire
Mountains are giant weights to support the earth
Suns orbit
Differentiated sun from other stars
Everything having a male-female counter part
Earth stands still
Those are just off the top of my head, theres plenty more..
All constructs which can be easily proven false, yet believed at this time period in the region (and those available to muhammad) which just so happens to show up in the Quran.
Then, we have all the lack of information on points that the Quran mentions which was also unknown at the time, such as
Evaporation, germs, galaxies, female egg etc etc , but thats neither here nor there...
and I can say this aswell:-
The only reason I can't immediately jump down Muhammad's throat on more subjects such as Jibril (gabriel) etc etc, is because he was so damn vague and gave absolutely nothing to work with (as with most subjects).
and if you really want to talk about a mistake that people made...howabout 1 book,1 location, 1 time period, 1 language, 1 dialect, written by man, no evidence of that not just one GIANT mistake copied from every other man in that time?