There's no need to highjack the thread, mr. "no one".
Halo, how did you find the forum? How many years were you praying for, if ever? Do you still keep your apostasy secret?
I never prayed to be honest, I never believed it. To some degree I do, I'm very open with it among my friends and acquaintances at school, as well as those outside. The only people I'm not open with it about are the Kurdish people/Kurdish community, and even then there's a handful who know. I'd like to tell my parents, but after hearing numerous "horror stories", so to speak about people that came out about not being Muslim anymore, I think I'll keep it on the down low until after I finish my post-secondary education and find my own place to live.
Welcome Halo!

&& no matter how ur name is pronounced, in my head im still saying Hay-lo

Haha, it's become a nickname to me among friends, so it's something I'm used to

Welcome Welcome! There are luckily quiet a few canadians here.
What books did u read ? did u read only islamic books and saw mistakes / utter nonsense or did u read books by famous anti-theists like dawkins or hitchens ?
btw good for u for being so rational at a younger age than most.
I had read the Qu'ran when I was younger, and I thought they were good stories that were well-written, and I still think they are to some degree, but to me that's all they were. Stories. I never felt any spirituality, and I would always sort of look around me, look around at the world, and even in my younger, more innocent mindset, I sensed that if there was a god, why would he allow the monstrous acts that occur in this world to occur? It wasn't up until I was around 14 years old that I read various atheist writings, Dawkins being one in particular that sparked my interest, which is when I realized I was an atheist. Before, I had just thought "well, I don't believe in it that much" but I didn't think of it past that.
And thank you. I try not to "flaunt" the age, because I don't like being singled out due to age, for praise or derision, but the compliment is appreciated.

So did you tell other people about your opinion of Islam? Your parents or people around you? Do you know any other ex Muslims?
I try to let my opinion of Islam be known, and I try to let it be known that it is hardly the "religion of peace", and I speak as someone who grew up with the religion. Regarding people I've told, I replied to Alex Lam Meem up previously in my post. I know only one ex Muslim, a fellow Kurd whom I just met about 2-3 weeks ago. It's nice to have someone that knows my frustration in this regard (and also nice to know that I'm not alone, in regards to this site!)
Welcome Im also from Edmonton!
Awesome! I love how the weather's been warming up lately, am I right?
Welcome mate

Were you brought up in a religious family?
Yes, I was. And mind you, I hold no contempt for my family members at all, obviously, I don't like the religion but I'm ok with the followers, and of course they are my parents and siblings and I love them.
It is kind of awkward to still pretend to be Muslim though