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 Topic: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat

 (Read 80995 times)
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  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #390 - October 03, 2010, 07:51 PM

    but is it true that you're awfully plain looking?

    Maybe I am, but it seems to me, that since you are blindingly ugly, you can´t be too picky.

    However, that is neither here nor there, you have already had the opportunity to mount me like a bison, but saw fit to decline the offer. I shan´t make that offer again. hrmph !

    As the saying goes : Hell has no fury like a woman scorned

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #391 - October 03, 2010, 08:02 PM

    There is no argument against your larger contention, unless you're debating Jeremy Clarkson's anonymous internet clone and / or have been drinking the industry sponsored kool-aid*.
    --Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options, 2006

    *Be careful, I hear excessve tofu consumption can produce moobs the likes of which would make your wife jealous.

    If you're susceptible, even light soya-product consumption can cause abdominal oedema. Scrunches up your vital organs.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #392 - October 03, 2010, 08:17 PM

    true but in order to make meat , raise a cow u need its food .... double the trouble

    And in order to make a vegetable oil, say, you need to grow an awful lot of unusable plant matl, unless of course you can feed it to some needy livestock.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #393 - October 03, 2010, 08:46 PM

    Yes sure.
    we never produce hay to feed cows nor have pastures for their convenience.
    o yes and they never share our agricultural output, yes indeed.

    we only feed them our agricultural by-products.

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #394 - October 03, 2010, 08:50 PM

    Show me the equations and I'll believe you.
    PS Most cows don't eat hay nowadays.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #395 - October 03, 2010, 09:40 PM

    Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million
    Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million
    Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20
    Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 80
    Percentage of oats grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 95
    Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90
    How frequently a child dies as a result of malnutrition: every 2.3 seconds
    Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 40,000
    Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 250
    Percentage of U.S. farmland devoted to beef production: 56
    Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce a pound of edible flesh from feedlot beef: 16

    To be honest
     I must add i did not check the correctness of the data provided above.

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #396 - October 03, 2010, 10:31 PM

    Cool. So we ca still eat meat without any problems as long as the Yanks reduce their intake fractionally.  parrot

    *goes to fire up the grill*

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #397 - October 03, 2010, 10:31 PM

    If you're susceptible, even light soya-product consumption can cause abdominal oedema. Scrunches up your vital organs.

    The awkward description of an allergy or food intolerance misses the humorous point I was making about phytoestrogens in soy and can furthermore be generalised to apply to bovine secretions aka. milk, wheat / gluten, etc. ie. Lactose intolerance, coeliac, etc.

    Each of us a failed state in stark relief against the backdrop of the perfect worlds we seek.
    Propagandhi - Failed States
  • Re: Top UK supermarkets secretly sell only halal meat
     Reply #398 - October 03, 2010, 10:36 PM

    Cool. So we ca still eat meat without any problems as long as the Yanks reduce their intake fractionally.  parrot

    *goes to fire up the grill*


    Yup , i guess so
    or kill yankee less intake

    now i know why bin laden hates those yankees .

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
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