Good point. Yes I guess economically they aren’t exactly the same. But check this out: are similarities between Islamic economics and leftist or socialist economic policies. Islamic jurists have argued that privatization of the origin of oil, gas, and other fire-producing fuels, agricultural land, and water is forbidden.Furthermore, in fascism the state is a proxy for God, and obviously Islam focuses on their sky cult rather than the state as the object of veneration/worship/obedience.
Yes, it’s different in WHAT the faith is, but the essence of mind indoctrinating worship/obedience/duty is very much so there in Islam. Come on, good Muslims have to pray/say something when they sneeze, go on a journey, step out of a house, step into a house, 5 times a day prayer, before they eat something, hearing about a person's death, losing something important, before making love … etc. Two minute hate 1984 ? Not far from it in my opinion !
FINALLY BUT PERHAPS MOST IMPORTANTLY, it's completely fucking retarded to say a religion developed in the 7th fucking century is identical to a mostly secular ideology developed in the middle of the 20th century, specifically as a reaction to the post-World War I failure of liberal democratic capitalism in Europe and threat of Communist revolution. This is some seriously brain-dead fucking shit.
A religion started in 7th century Arabia, (a pre-democratic society), cannot possibly be fascist in nature. You can't have the mould grow before the orange exists.
Just one thing. There were double quotes put around the word
fascist for a reason. This is that indeed, technically – TECHNICALLY – Islam cannot being TECHNICALLY and HISTORICALLY fascist, but in terms of the essence which drives fascism, there are hallmarks all over it: socially, economically and religiously, I think. Perhaps I should reword the question to "Do you think Islam has the essence of fascism?"