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 Topic: How the Vatican created Islam .

 (Read 3538 times)
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  • How the Vatican created Islam .
     OP - January 29, 2011, 06:46 PM

    I Just read this part so far
    'A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an assignment. She was to fin...d a brilliant young man who could be used
    by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah,, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's advisor. He had tremendous influence on
    'Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine which prepared him for his "great calling." The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the
    people and be the chosen one of their God. 'While Muhammad was being prepared, he was told that his enemies were the Jews and that the only true Christians were Roman Catholic. He was taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this.
    'Muhammad began receiving "divine revelations" and his wife's Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Muhammad's mission, persecution came against his followers because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba.
    'Muhammad instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia where Negus, the Roman Catholic king accepted them because Muhammad's views on the virgin Mary were so close to Roman Catholic doctrine. These Muslims received protection from Catholic kings because of Muhammad's
    'Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. History proves that before Islam came into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon-god who was married to the sun-god. They gave birth to three goddesses who were worshipped throughout the Arab world as "Daughters of Allah" An idol excavated at Hazor in Palestine in 1950's shows Allah sitting on a throne with the crescent moon on his chest.
    'Muhammad claimed he had a vision from Allah and was told, "You are the messenger of Allah." This began his career as a prophet and he received many messages. By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet, Muhammad. 'Some of Muhammad's writings were placed in the Koran, others were never published. They are now in the hands of high ranking holy men (Ayatollahs) in the Islamic faith.See More

    yet to navigate the site!

    interesting read !

    on another note ,i just got introduced to Abdullah al Qasimi...anyone familiar with his work/books?

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #1 - January 29, 2011, 06:51 PM

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #2 - January 29, 2011, 06:59 PM

    I came across the claim a few years ago, the entire foundation of which ,seemed to have come from a Catholic priest (of sorts) who had recently left the vatican.

    I hear alot of claims , but nothing evidential to support it at all.
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #3 - January 29, 2011, 07:01 PM

    mufa9a, since you understand arabic, this would be a good book for you to read.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #4 - January 29, 2011, 07:22 PM

    nonsense.  If this had been true Mo wouldn't have got so much wrong!

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #5 - January 29, 2011, 07:29 PM

    Ah yes, blame the woman Roll Eyes Sure, yeah Khadija was responsible for it all, for Mo's polygamy after her death, for his pedophilia, for his war-mongering, for his bigotry and intolerance, yep, it's all that Khadija's fault, though she was mostly dead throughout Mo's career as Profit of Islam.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #6 - January 29, 2011, 07:34 PM

    I thought it was a cute novel, emulating shaytanic verses, but it totally makes sense now, when you put it this way, allat Smiley

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #7 - January 29, 2011, 07:35 PM

    LOL  @ Cheetah i said interesting read , not right on!!

    i think the dude who posted it was christian...i read his intro to the site  and got interested to read more . but as soon as i clicked the site , i lost interest. for me , it's interesting to hear convictions and what people have to back them up with ..although this site wasn't attracting me to delve deeper.

    but for abdulla al qasimi, i downloaded all his books! i haven't read em yet ..but come across some of his "quotes" he was very outspoken! im much more interested in the reaction his words had in people of his generation.

    Thanks GING for the book reco, Downlaoding it right now .i've come acorss the title.

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #8 - January 29, 2011, 07:51 PM

    Ah, the Da Vinci Code meets Mo's biography.

    Doesn't get any shittier.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #9 - January 29, 2011, 07:59 PM

    olweasel, are you reading my mind?

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #10 - January 29, 2011, 08:03 PM

    I thought it was a cute novel, emulating shaytanic verses, but it totally makes sense now, when you put it this way, allat Smiley

    Ah, it's fiction... okay then. Hey, just like Catholicism and Islam Smiley

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #11 - January 29, 2011, 08:05 PM


    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #12 - January 29, 2011, 08:11 PM

    olweasel, are you reading my mind?

    I am another yourself.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #13 - January 30, 2011, 03:50 AM

    Khadijah and members of her family were not Catholics and there is no evidence to support this. Also if Muhammed had studied Catholicism he would not have made so many errors in retelling the Bible stories or on the doctrine of the Trinity.
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #14 - January 30, 2011, 03:50 AM

    Ah, the Da Vinci Code meets Mo's biography.

    Doesn't get any shittier.

  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #15 - January 30, 2011, 04:30 AM

    My friends told me that too " they were Christians " and they were so convinced by that all i had to do was literally face palm and change the subject :/ it is fascinating how much idiots make shit up it wasn't Catholicism that created it in their version tho

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #16 - January 30, 2011, 04:32 PM

    I stopped reading when the article called Ethiopia roman catholic.

    The foundation of superstition is ignorance, the
    superstructure is faith and the dome is a vain hope. Superstition
    is the child of ignorance and the mother of misery.
    -Robert G. Ingersoll (1898)

     "Do time ninjas have this ability?" "Yeah. Only they stay silent and aren't douchebags."  -Ibl
  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #17 - January 30, 2011, 08:29 PM

    The pre-islamic Arabs and early islamic Arabs had no contact what-soever with Western Rome (that did not exist anymore) , they rather had contat with East Rome (Byzantine Empire)... The institution of Papacy was still in it's infancy during the time of the creation of Islam.

    There are sloppy and inconsistent facts presented for this conspiracy theory which makes it pretty much impossible that the claims could even remotely be true... 

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

  • Re: How the Vatican created Islam .
     Reply #18 - January 30, 2011, 08:39 PM

    Speaking as an atheist from a non-muslim background, I would never take at face value any claims about Shia muslims from a Sunni fundie source or vice versa.  I would advise the same caution for ex-muslims about intra-Christian sectarian propaganda, of which there is plenty, despite the public pretensions towards ecumenical brotherhood.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
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