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 Topic: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls

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  • R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     OP - February 22, 2011, 09:12 PM

    I thought about posting this yesterday but decided not to, partly because it was too depressing. This story has not been widely reported, apart from a handful of tabloids. This is from the Daily Mail. The only earlier reference to the story was after the initial attack took place, in an article in the East London Advertiser.

    I decided to post it because it is relevant, and because of the story about the 'Gay Free Zone' stickers in east London. The Rationaliser is right, it would be easy to set up Muslims by plastering phoney bigoted pamphlets like those to stir trouble.

    But the point is, there are some really, really fucked up young Muslim men in east London, Tower Hamlets, Bow, Bethnal Green and around there.


    Four men slashed teacher's face and left him with fractured skull 'for teaching other religions to Muslim girls'

    Four men launched a horrific attack on a teacher in which they slashed his face and left him with a fractured skull because they did not approve of him teaching religion to Muslim girls.

    Akmol Hussein, 26, Sheikh Rashid, 27, Azad Hussain, 25, and Simon Alam, 19, attacked Gary Smith with a Stanley knife, an iron rod and a block of cement.

    Mr Smith, who is head of religious education at Central Foundation Girls' School in Bow, east London, also suffered a fractured skull.

    The four now face a jail sentence.

    Detectives made secret recordings of the gang's plot to attack Mr Smith prior to the brutal assault.

    The covert audio probe captured the gang condemning Mr Smith for 'teaching other religions to our sisters', the court heard.

    The RE teacher was targeted as he made his way on foot along Burdett Road in nearby Mile End on July 12 last year, Snaresbrook Crown Court was told.

    Prosecutor Sarah Whitehouse told the court: 'The evidence from what was said on the probe points overwhelmingly to a religious motive for this attack.' 

    It is believed the gang had made two earlier attempts to get at the teacher.

    They were due to stand trial for the attack at Snaresbrook Crown Court but pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

    A fifth defendant, Badruzzuha Uddin, 23, admitted assisting the thugs by hiding blood-stained clothing.

    Judge John Hand QC remanded the defendants in custody until sentence on a date yet to be confirmed.

    Hussein, of Bethnal Green, east London; Rashid, of Shadwell, east London; Hussain, of Wapping, east London, and Alam, of Whitechapel, east London; have all admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

    Uddin, of Shadwell, admitted assisting an offender.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #1 - February 22, 2011, 09:16 PM

    That is such a BRUTAL CRIME ., These scoundrels must be put behind the bars at least 30 years.,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #2 - February 22, 2011, 09:18 PM

    Do you have another source? I've given up on the daily mail reporting anything objective.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #3 - February 22, 2011, 09:21 PM

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #4 - February 22, 2011, 09:23 PM

    Do you have another source? I've given up on the daily mail reporting anything objective.


    But the point is, there are some really, really fucked up young Muslim men in east London, Tower Hamlets, Bow, Bethnal Green and around there.

    Damn right there are; I even happen to personally know one or two such entities.
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #5 - February 22, 2011, 09:26 PM

    Do you have another source? I've given up on the daily mail reporting anything objective.

    This is directly reporting a criminal trial. Its not going to be made up.

    The East London Advertiser will have something when their next edition is out, no doubt.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #6 - February 22, 2011, 09:29 PM

    Too damn bad your country has also criminalized defending yourself.

    fuck you
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #7 - February 22, 2011, 09:32 PM

    Well this teacher ran a martial arts class and still got jumped badly. Sometimes you can't do anything if a group attack you at once unguarded.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #8 - February 22, 2011, 09:34 PM

    Unless you have an effective weapon besides your own body and that's kinda my point. Dude needed an equalizer.

    fuck you
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #9 - February 22, 2011, 09:41 PM

    Damn right. Bring back the AK-47, I say  Afro
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #10 - February 22, 2011, 09:50 PM

    Six shooter imo.Tongue

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #11 - February 22, 2011, 09:57 PM

    Damn right. Bring back the AK-47, I say  Afro

    Bring it back? When the hell did you guys have them? Smiley Besides, handgun or pump shotgun woulda done the trick just fine.

    fuck you
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #12 - February 22, 2011, 10:06 PM

    That just escalates things.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #13 - February 22, 2011, 10:12 PM

    What it does is allow one person to defend himself/herself from multiple attackers. I have yet to see any convincing evidence that allowing non-criminal citizens to arm themselves in self-defense has led to any escalation in violent crime.

    fuck you
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #14 - February 22, 2011, 10:16 PM

    Well I'd love a gun in that scenario, I won't lie. But Britain doesn't have a wide spread culture of firearms ownership like America, and its not going to change.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #15 - February 22, 2011, 10:20 PM

    What it does is allow one person to defend himself/herself from multiple attackers. I have yet to see any convincing evidence that allowing non-criminal citizens to arm themselves in self-defense has led to any escalation in violent crime.

    True, that. In fact, I'm quite sure that there are places in the U.S. where it is positively mandated by law that households own a fire-arm. In any case, there are places with very high gun ownership and little if any crime. Makes sense. If I believe the next person I try to rob or mug might just cap me, then it would give me pause before I did it.

    I think it more comes down to who owns guns, rather than simply the availability of firearms. But that's the problem, bad people will get their hands on them too. Just one of those things, I guess.  Roll Eyes
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #16 - February 22, 2011, 10:29 PM

    Well I'd love a gun in that scenario, I won't lie. But Britain doesn't have a wide spread culture of firearms ownership like America, and its not going to change.

    Wouldn't want the culture to change as much as the laws. As much of a gun nut as I am, I'm not stupid enough to think having a culture of being heavily armed is a good thing for society. But people should have the legal option to own/carry firearms or other weapons for self-defense. I view that as being a fundamental right. And there are some vulnerable people in society that could benefit from responsible gun ownership. That, for example, a woman who is being stalked and threatened by an abusive ex or family members, commits a criminal act by equipping herself as best she can do defend herself since the cops can't be around 24/7, is simply not morally justifiable.

    True, that. In fact, I'm quite sure that there are places in the U.S. where it is positively mandated by law that households own a fire-arm.

    There are not. Occasionally some gun nut in one of the state assemblies down South will introduce such a bill, but none have ever passed. I don't think such a law could withstand judicial scrutiny anyways.

    In any case, there are places with very high gun ownership and little if any crime. Makes sense. If I believe the next person I try to rob or mug might just cap me, then it would give me pause before I did it.

    I think it more comes down to who owns guns, rather than simply the availability of firearms. But that's the problem, bad people will get their hands on them too. Just one of those things, I guess.  Roll Eyes

    Yup. It's the culture and nature of the society too. You got a dysfunctional, highly competitive society with huge wealth disparities and violent, selfish culture, along with easy availability of guns, like the US, and you're gonna have a high murder rate, no way getting around it. But let's say you have a more orderly and peaceful society, like Switzerland, then it doesn't matter that almost every able-bodied male citizen keeps a fully-automatic assault rifle in their homes-- violent crime will be low.

    fuck you
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #17 - February 23, 2011, 06:45 PM

    Islam= The most insecure religion in the world...hmm I wonder why  Roll Eyes?

    Man if that shit happened in America, there would be so many negative consequences, people would take justice into their own hands and there would be backlash against all Muslims, even the good ones unfortunately. The world calls us Islamphobic but after 9/11 we're not very forgiving, or willing to take any shit from Muslims period. I guess in London because of the demographics there must not be that much of an outcry or concern, just another story in the paper.  :p

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #18 - February 27, 2011, 07:29 PM

    you guys are forgetting , there is no compulsion in religion
     Roll Eyes

    According to the polls only 1.6 % of Americans are athiests. So what gives you the right to call the other 80% morons?'
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #19 - February 27, 2011, 09:56 PM

    Akmol Hussein, 26, Sheikh Rashid, 27, Azad Hussain, 25, and Simon Alam, 19


    Great, men at their mental peak intoxicated by aggressive Islam.
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #20 - February 27, 2011, 10:25 PM

    Unless you have an effective weapon besides your own body and that's kinda my point. Dude needed an equalizer.

    And of course equalisers would be equally available to his assailants if the law in the UK was different.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: R.E teacher slashed, skull broken for teaching other religions to Muslim girls
     Reply #21 - February 28, 2011, 01:49 AM

    Yep, but it's still an equalizer. So a 90-lb woman who's a good shot has just as much of a chance against a 200-lb man if both have guns.

    "God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal"

    In the scenario that actually happened, the man didn't stand a chance against 3 armed assailants, but a well-trained person armed with a handgun does stand a chance defending themselves from three others with handguns, unless those three people happen to be well-coordinated and good shot. Happens all the time here.

    fuck you
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