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 Topic: EDL West Midlands division

 (Read 9353 times)
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  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #30 - March 14, 2011, 08:03 PM

    I was a school boy in the fifties and I remember poverty very well.

  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #31 - March 15, 2011, 02:05 PM

     I think Arthur has stated before that he is in his late sixties.
  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #32 - March 15, 2011, 07:00 PM

    I'm 67 and retired.

  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #33 - March 15, 2011, 07:04 PM

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #34 - March 15, 2011, 07:15 PM

    Yeah, I can't believe Arthur was alive during the War. From his posts on the forum, I always pictured him as some naive young kid who got caught up in stupid shit because he didn’t know better. He doesn’t have an excuse though, he's just some thick as pig shit old blowhard.

    Thank you, love the way you debate.

    Well this thick as shit etc ran his own electronics company and has a house in England and one in Italy, driving there tomorrow, so yeah, I'm thick as a brick.

    Also a qualified Herpetologist, specialising in rain forest environments for captive bred herps.
    Which just goes to prove that you know very little about the type of people joining EDL.

  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #35 - March 15, 2011, 07:17 PM

    Ha ha, very funny, shouldn't you be doing your homework or some thing.

  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #36 - March 15, 2011, 07:27 PM

    Oh come on Arther!

    EDL are associated with the likes of roberta moore,pamela geller, robert spencer, who are all Religionous Bigots, who hold onto the same agenda as Islamists, that our religion and way of life is better, one extreme from the other.

    EDL are provokers, they provoke hate.

    Recently, a priest was attacked, EDL without evidence stated on their forum that a Muslim did it, then they said sorry and said a non muslim did it.

    When somebody does a crime, one must be careful with their words, EDL are nothing but a organisation created by the likes of Alan Lake, Roberta Moore, who are Radical Religonous Jews, who want to use the working class in Britain to attack British Muslims, Roberta even stated that its the Jewish defence league who really exploits the EDL!

    Muslims are then used by the likse of Anjem Choundary when they see a bunch of drunkard bigots roaming around their communities causing problems and incitement to racial hatred.

    Come on Arther, Stephan Lennox made it quite clear, that he is against ALL MUSLIMS, he changed his original decision which was, he is only against Militant Islam.

    Stephan, is not sincere, EDL are a bunch of uneducated tools, used by powers much higher than them.

    We Agnostics would never associate with a bunch of Drunk St george cross wearing Hooligans, who one side complain about Islamism, but on the other side, they run around with Rabbis and St georges cross wearing facists.

    Religionous extremism is extremism in every Religion. EDL is no exception. I am a member of their forum, I spent time discussing things with them, guess what, over 90 percent of them all turned out to be a bunch of facists racists, none of them debated Islam as we do here, all of them resorted to insulting skin colour, culture this and culture that, some even said its a conspiracy that Muslims want us not drunk during Protests, they fear our pwoer when drunk, etc etc etc.

    EDL is just a front of the BNP due to its failure,corruption and bankrupcy, BNP once hated Jews, then they found out the Jews are rich, and enlised two jews into their party and begged for their vote, so do not be amazed if its true.

    I completely disagree with you, Tommy is not against all muslims and so has not changed his mind.

    People have been asking what the EDL is all about, what does it want to achieve, how will it achieve those things?

    Well now the English Defence League has a Mission Statement......

    (1) HUMAN RIGHTS: Protecting And Promoting Human Rights

    The English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation that was founded in the wake of the shocking actions of a small group of Muslim extremists who, at a homecoming parade in Luton, openly mocked the sacrifices of our service personnel without any fear of censure. Although these actions were certainly those of a minority, we believe that they reflect other forms of religiously-inspired intolerance and barbarity that are thriving amongst certain sections of the Muslim population in Britain: including, but not limited to, the denigration and oppression of women, the molestation of young children, the committing of so-called honour killings, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and continued support for those responsible for terrorist atrocities.

    Whilst we must always protect against the unjust assumption that all Muslims are complicit in or somehow responsible for these crimes, we must not be afraid to speak freely about these issues. This is why the EDL will continue to work to protect the inalienable rights of all people to protest against radical Islam’s encroachment into the lives of non-Muslims.

    We also recognise that Muslims themselves are frequently the main victims of some Islamic traditions and practices. The Government should protect the individual human rights of members of British Muslims. It should ensure that they can openly criticise Islamic orthodoxy, challenge Islamic leaders without fear of retribution, receive full equality before the law (including equal rights for Muslim women), and leave Islam if they see fit, without fear of censure.

    British Muslims should be able to safely demand reform of their religion, in order to make it more relevant to the needs of the modern world and more respectful of other groups in society. It is important that they completely reject the views of those who believe that Islam should be taken in its ‘original’, 7th century form, because these interpretations are the antithesis of Western democracy. The onus should be on British Muslims to overcome the problems that blight their religion and achieve nothing short of an Islamic reformation. In line with this, we should do all that we can to empower those who are willing to take this path. We must also ensure that they do not fear reprisals from those who, in line with these 7th century interpretations, would force sharia law upon them.

    The EDL calls upon the Government to repeal legislation that prevents effective freedom of speech, for freedom of speech is essential if the human rights abuses that sometimes manifest themselves around Islam are to be stopped.

    We believe that the proponents of radical Islam have a stranglehold on British Muslims. These radicals dominate Muslim organisations, remain key figures in British mosques, and are steadily increasing their influence. Radical Islam keeps British Muslims fearful and isolated, especially the women that it encases in the Burqa. It misrepresents their views, stifles freedom of expression, and indoctrinates their children, whilst continually doing a discredit to those who do wish to peacefully co-exist with their fellow Britons.

    (2) DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW: Promoting Democracy And The Rule Of Law By Opposing Sharia

    The European Court of Human Rights has declared that “sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy”. Despite this, there are still those who are more than willing to accommodate sharia norms, and who believe that sharia can operate in partnership with our existing traditions and customs. In reality, sharia cannot operate fully as anything other than a complete alternative to our existing legal, political, and social systems. It is a revolution that this country does not want, and one that it must resist. Sharia is most definitely a threat to our democracy.

    The operation of Islamic courts, the often unreasonable demand that Islam is given more respect than it is due, and the stealthy incursion of halal meat into the food industry, all demonstrate that sharia is already creeping into our lives. Resentment is already beginning to grow, and could create dangerous divisions if nothing is done. The primacy of British courts must be maintained and defended, fair criticism of religious and political ideologies must be permitted, and consumers must be provided with the information necessary to avoid halal produce should they wish.

    Restaurants and fast food chains that do offer halal options should offer non-halal alternatives as well, in order to show respect for other people’s religions, customs, and possible concerns about animal welfare issues (surrounding ritual slaughter). No one should be made to consume halal produce unwittingly, so it must always be labeled - in supermarkets, in restaurants, in schools, and in hospitals - wherever it is available. Free choice in these matters is, after all, a fundamental human right for everybody, not just the Muslim community.

    Sharia law makes a fundamental distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the EDL will never allow this sort of iniquitous apartheid to take root in our country. The EDL will therefore oppose sharia appeasement in all its forms, and will actively work to eradicate the sharia-compliant behaviours that are already being adopted, and enforced, in our society.

    (3) PUBLIC EDUCATION: Ensuring That The Public Get A Balanced Picture Of Islam

    A central part of the EDL’s mission is public education. The British political and media establishment have, for a long time, been presenting a very sanitised and therefore inaccurate view of Islam, shaped by the needs of policy-makers rather than the needs of the public. This has acted as a barrier to informed policy-making and made finding the solution to real problems impossible. In pursuing this self-defeating and destructive policy, the Government has effectively been acting as the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Whether or not is aware of the predicament that it has put itself in, it has so far failed to honestly admit its failures.

    We are committed to a campaign of public education to ensure that all aspects of Islam that impact on our society can debated in an open and honest way. Demonisation of Muslims, or of Islam’s critics, adds nothing to the debate. We believe that only by looking at all the facts can society be most effectively and humanly governed. If there are aspects of Muslim tradition that encourage the activities of Islamic radicals and criminals then these need to be properly addressed without fear of accusations of racism, xenophobia, or the even the disingenuous term ‘Islamophobia’.

    The public must be provided with a more realistic and less sanitised view of Islam that allows it to ensure that decision-makers are held to account for their policy-making choices, choices that affect the harmony and security of the nation.

    The EDL promotes the understanding of Islam and the implications for non-Muslims forced to live alongside it. Islam is not just a religious system, but a political and social ideology that seeks to dominate all non-believers and impose a harsh legal system that rejects democratic accountability and human rights. It runs counter to all that we hold dear within our British liberal democracy, and it must be prepared to change, to conform to secular, liberal ideals and laws, and to contribute to social harmony, rather than causing divisions.

    (4) RESPECTING TRADITION: Promoting The Traditions And Culture Of England While At The Same Time Being Open To Embrace The Best That Other Cultures Can Offer

    The EDL believes that English Culture has the right to exist and prosper in England. We recognise that culture is not static, that over time changes take place naturally, and that other cultures make contributions that make our shared culture stronger and more vibrant. However, this does not give license to policy-makers to deliberately undermine our culture and impose non-English cultures on the English people in their own land.

    If people migrate to this country then they should be expected to respect our culture, its laws, and its traditions, and not expect their own cultures to be promoted by agencies of the state. The best of their cultures will be absorbed naturally and we will all be united by the enhanced culture that results. The onus should always be on foreign cultures to adapt and integrate. If said cultures promote anti-democratic ideas and refuse to accept the authority of our nation’s laws, then the host nation should not be bowing to these ideas in the name of ‘cultural sensitivity’. Law enforcement personnel must be able to enforce the rule of law thoroughly without prejudice or fear. Everyone, after all, is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law.

    The EDL is therefore keen to draw its support from people of all races, all faiths, all political persuasions, and all lifestyle choices. Under its umbrella, all people in England, whatever their background, or origin, can stand united in a desire to stop the imposition of the rules of Islam on non-believers. In order to ensure the continuity of our culture and its institutions, the EDL stands opposed to the creeping Islamisation of our country, because intimately related to the spread of Islamic religion is the political desire to implement an undemocratic alternative to our cherished way of life: the sharia.

    Our armed forces stand up and risk their lives every day in order to protect our culture and democratic way of life. They are also reflective of England’s diversity, and are a shining example of what a people can achieve when united together. The EDL is therefore committed to opposing any and all abuse that our men and women in uniform are subjected to, and will campaign for legal remedies to ensure that those working within these important institutions are not exposed to abuse or aggression from within our country.

    (5) INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK: Working In Solidarity With Others Around The World

    The EDL is keen to join with others who share our values, wherever they are in the world, and from whatever cultural background they derive. We believe that the demand for sharia is global and therefore needs to be tackled at a global as well as national level, so that this demand will never be succumbed to. The EDL will therefore have an international outlook to enhance and strengthen our domestic efforts, whilst at the same time contributing to the global struggle against Islamic intolerance of Western cultures, customs, religions, politics, and laws. The time for tolerating intolerance has come to an end: it is time for the whole world to unite against a truly Global Jihad.

  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #37 - March 15, 2011, 07:42 PM

    EDL: Setting a few things straight - part 2
    Setting a few things straight.
    by English Defence League (EDL) on Saturday, 26 February 2011 at 00:55
    .................................................. ...........................................

    So, it’s worth stressing again: Bill Baker and the ENA are not welcome at any EDL event. Stop jumping on our bandwagon. You disgrace real Nationalism and Patriotism. You defile and defame our righteous battle by linking with dark forces: you are part of the problem, certainly not part of any solution!

    Unfortunately, Bill Baker is not alone. We’ve also have had some much-talked-about issues recently with prominent members of the English Defence League’s Jewish Division.

    We made it perfectly clear in a previous statement that we can’t and we won’t ever affiliate with the Jewish Task Force, yet certain individuals thought they could ‘force through’ an affiliation with these known terrorists. A truly imbecilic move if there ever was one! We have good reasons not to wish to cooperate with the JTF – yet some people seem to think they know better.

    How can we claim to be fighting against terrorism and at the same time affiliate with known terrorists? This kind of irresponsible stupidity brings its own dangers; it not only makes the EDL look like some kind of duplicitous, conniving and hypocritical outfit, it makes us lose sight of who and what we are, what we strive to be, and most importantly we stand to lose the moral high ground.

    So, sorry Roberta Moore of the EDL Jewish Division - but we don't approve of your discussions with the JTF. We hope that this was just an error in judgement, but we feel forced to publicise your actions because you have as yet failed to admit to this error, and have instead criticised those who have been forced to renounce the JTF for you.

    Sure, we don’t claim to be perfect, we never have, we have made mistakes and mis-judgements in the past, we have not always looked into the backgrounds of different individuals who eagerly get involved and support the EDL. If anything, we’ve been too trusting – of people, and of their motives. One such example is that of the somewhat infamous Pastor Jones (of Quran burning fame). Sure he would have brought publicity to our cause, but it would have been the wrong kind of publicity!

    Ignorance and naivety made way for media attention when the complete opposite should have applied,. We should have been more astute, we should have known what this individual stood for and against before to talking with the press about it. Alas we did not, we made a mistake - but we did atone for it. Once Pastor Jones’s background became known to us we made a full retraction of support, we absolutely could not associate with such a man. The damage was done in the short term, but in the longer term people come to realise that we did the right thing for the movement.

    We ask our members to do the same again and have faith in our leadership!

    Unfortunately because of this farcical JTF ‘involvement’ story, we again have to send a very clear and resolute message to those who wish to drag our mission through the mud:

    Take your agenda elsewhere, it is not wanted, and it is not needed. We will continue on a righteous path, one of clarity, and one of morality rather than hypocrisy. This battlefield is littered with mines and you have laid more than your fair share. We will not allow you to lay anymore!

    What is truly astounding is that when we expose those who would wish to exploit the EDL, we get called Anti-Semites, Nazis, BNP, etc, etc - all sorts of incredulous and fallacious drivel. Yes, these people are attracted to the EDL, but we work incredibly hard to expose and expel them. It would be nice if the average mosque were so effective. Exposing Nazis, booting them out, and repeatedly denouncing their views (to the media, and to our own members), does not make us the Nazis!

    Not only is it disingenuous to and damn right offensive to clam otherwise, it is a complete fabrication, a distortion of fact, and a propagation of fiction rather than fact.

    Fact is......

    We support Israel’s right to exist and Israel’s right to defend itself. Now that’s hardly a sentiment shared by Anti-Semites, National Socialists or a faction of the BNP Holocaust-denying community is it?

    Now of course we recognise that not every BNP member or support is some kind of raving racist lunatic. People certainly vote for them because they don’t believe that there is any other option to tackle Islamism (amongst other somewhat forgivable reasons). But what we want to make clear is that we are that other option. We can effectively pressure all political parties to do more to face up to the threat we face, and the problems in our local communities. And we can do that in a non-racist, patriotic way.

    To claim that we’re exactly the same as the BNP, or that we hold the same beliefs as certain extremists, is incredibly counterproductive. Misrepresenting the views of people who are dedicated to peacefully protesting against radical Islam, and who are working to educate both ourselves and the wider public about the nature of the threat, doesn’t help anyone.... except the radicals.

    Doing nothing about the extremists that are constantly trying to hijack our cause would be like shooting ourselves in the foot. It would be like setting out to defeat an extremism ideology, only to succumb to the influence of another.

    No, that won’t be happening. Not on our watch!

    The EDL is for everyone, regardless of colour or creed. It is not for people to promote their special interests or their party political beliefs. It’s about something bigger. It’s about unity in the face of radical Islam.

    Continuing to tell people that we’re racists or Nazis only makes racists or Nazis more likely to want to support us! Of course, racists and Nazis will quickly discover that there’s no place for them in the EDL. But why would anyone want to suggest there is? It seems like purposeful deceit, and we refuse to have any respect for that. We’re not these things that we’re accused of being. And we’ll continue saying that. But we refuse to be expected to continually prove that we don’t subscribe to the extreme views of the very people that we want to exclude. You wouldn’t demand that a Muslim prove that he or she is not an extremism – so don’t expect it of members of the EDL!

    So, one last time - we can’t and won’t affiliate with the JTF; that is set in stone. It is a matter of fact, not fiction. And if people don’t like it then they are free to leave.

    Having said that, we do understand why some Jews have taken militant action against their oppressors. But we can’t and we won’t share a platform with such people, because our belief is in non-violent protest. We are working to combat terrorists and their known affiliates, and we can’t do that by sinking to their level.

    The English Defence League will stand up to the plate and we will be counted, even if that means turning our back on those who think they can punch over their weight and run roughshod over our legitimate cause.

    Real EDL members put the cause above their own egos. They respect the role played by the leadership, and consult with them when necessary. They pool together, they work as a team, they work for everyone.

    REAL EDL are in this for the long haul!

    REAL EDL are in this for the right reasons!

    REAL EDL are going to take our country back!

    Stay true, stay strong, and be vigilant, for there are forces at play who want us finished.

    Let’s not give them that chance not now not ever.

    No surrender!
  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #38 - March 15, 2011, 07:52 PM

    What do we do with someone who intentionally misses the point?

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: EDL West Midlands division
     Reply #39 - March 15, 2011, 09:06 PM

    But you haven't made any points, only insults, which I try very hard not to rise too.
    Most of the points raised on this thread I have answered with my last 2 posts.
    Perhaps you might read them and tell me if there is anything you disagree with.

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