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 Topic: English Defence league

 (Read 1849 times)
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  • English Defence league
     OP - March 20, 2011, 03:57 PM

    Just wondering what your thoughts are..

    they seem to be gaining popularity by all sorts of classes and levels of educated at an alarming rate..

    what do you think of them??


    Beyonce was right; If you like it then you probably should put a ring on it. Tongue
  • Re: English Defence league
     Reply #1 - March 20, 2011, 05:15 PM

    We don't like them at all.  The oppose Islam but they are too thuggish and have too many racists/bigots in their midst.  Also, they're in bed with the Tea Party of the US.  Those deluded Christian airheads.  We support science and reason. Smiley
    It is sad that the bloody left wing in this country are not willing to criticise Islam enough.  In fact, they're in bed with some Islamist groups.  The EDL have hijacked the cause now.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: English Defence league
     Reply #2 - March 20, 2011, 05:42 PM

    what do you think of them??

    Fucking rant? Fuck you. I’m not even gonna bother to highlight the glaring contradiction of that post, you politically confused meathead.

    YOU are one of the fundamental causes of the shitty state this country is in right now. You and your ilk. You are more responsible for uniting and radicalising Muslim youth in UK than any preacher or cleric could ever hope to be. You’re doing their job for them. They can take the week off. The month off. You’ve placed your flag on a pile of bullshit, all of your own creating. And it fucking stinks, and its spilling over into other peoples lives. And its causing more problems than you are worth, and fuck knows at what expense. I don’t even want to begin to guess how much it costs to have riot police and vans stand for hours while you parade around waving your England flags and singing your piss-weak hooligan mantra.

    And what do we get in return? What progress? Fuck all. Nothing. Just a few streets in a worse state than they were in. You’re like fucking plague of locusts ruining everything you touch. You’re like screaming babies we have to run around cleaning up after. In between you fuckers and the other fuckers, normal people are picking up the pieces and doing all the actual work. And what fucking pisses me off most of all is your noise and tantrums drown out the voices of those who are actually trying to make a difference. The real criticism isn’t being heard.

    You pretend you care about victims, making a mockery of real issues, just to get what you want - a streetfight. You hold aloft real and present issues as some kind of prize to give substance to your stone-cold ideology, to vindicate your otherwise empty words and violence. You cheapen and pollute good causes with your corrosive methods and wasted, counter-productive efforts.

    You will always be hounded here, and you deserve everything you get. I applaud those who call you out, and I will join them at every opportunity. You bring it all on yourself. You are so proudly and arrogantly detached from any recognisable or reasonable middle ground that nobody can even relate to you, and so unwilling to crawl out of your own bull-headed bubble world, and maybe for just one moment see what the world is like outside of your own drinking-club-with-a-forum, that you will always be reviled and rejected as the mutant thing you are. Your squirming and double standards ensure I will never feel any sympathy for you. You fuckers are just the worst ambassador for the cause you hijack and distort, and use and abuse, and push down peoples throat, as a means to your own end.

    You are everything you proclaim to stand against and use all the tools and tricks of those you criticise. FUCK YOU.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: English Defence league
     Reply #3 - March 20, 2011, 06:07 PM

    Educated muslims are lead by Jahil imaams..
    In EDL, educated leaders are using all kinds of thugs for their campaign..

    Whats the difference?

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
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  • Re: English Defence league
     Reply #4 - March 20, 2011, 06:27 PM

    They're thick.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

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