Iraq war was purely for Oil, not to fight Saddam Hussain.
Also, I live in Michigan, not upstate NY.
Are you talking about war of Bush senior or Bush Junior?? O.K. so only one war for Oil since its independence?? Now what is the cost of war for America and how much oil are they going to get out of Iraq?
cost of Iraq war Appropriations
* FY2003 Supplemental: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Passed April 2003; Total $78.5 billion, $54.4 billion Iraq War
* FY2004 Supplemental: Iraq and Afghanistan Ongoing Operations/Reconstruction: Passed November 2003; Total $87.5 billion, $70.6 billion Iraq War
* FY2004 DoD Budget Amendment: $25 Emergency Reserve Fund (Iraq Freedom Fund): Passed July 2004, Total $25 billion, $21.5 billion (estimated) Iraq War
* FY2005 Emergency Supplemental: Operations in the War on Terror; Activities in Afghanistan; Tsunami Relief: Passed April 2005, Total $82 billion, $58 billion (estimated) Iraq War
* FY2006 Department of Defense appropriations: Total $50 billion, $40 billion (estimated) Iraq War.
* FY2006 Emergency Supplemental: Operations Global War on Terror; Activities in Iraq & Afghanistan: Passed February 2006, Total $72.4 billion, $60 billion (estimated) Iraq War
* FY2007 Department of Defense appropriations: $70 billion(estimated) for Iraq War-related costs[4][5]
* FY2007 Emergency Supplemental (proposed) $100 billion
* FY2008 Bush administration has proposed around $190 billion for the Iraq War and Afghanistan[6]
* FY2009 Obama administration has proposed around $130 billion in additional funding for the Iraq War and Afghanistan.[7]
* FY2011 Obama administration proposes around $159.3 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.[8]
How much total oil is there under Iraq??
Oil reserves in Iraq will be the largest in the world according to recent geological surveys and seismic data.[1] The Iraqi government has stated that new exploration showed Iraq has the world’s largest proven oil reserves, with more than 350 billion barrels.[1] Officially confirmed reserves rank third largest in the world at approximately 143 billion barrels
Now with those figures in mind., let us see How much oil money America is going make out of Iraq..
Next, let us think this way,,
Suppose Saddam resigned as he was very sure He can not fight Americans and No Russia to counter threaten US. Saddam didn't had any WMDS.,
Why didn't he resign and see what American would have done ..wait and go for elections . Why didn't he do that??