Timeline between Mo's death n actual written Quran ?
OP - April 09, 2011, 05:19 PM
Hi guys,
I am looking for some information regarding how the actual written Quran was compiled. I understand the oral recitations, written verses over barks etc were collected and brought together to select verses which we find in Quran today.
But the sheer time differences between Mo's death n written Quran imposes ques on Qurans authenticity. Specially,
1) how can we make sure there were verses not added/removed from the final production?
2) what if some people have died along in battles etc to whom verses were revealed in private?
3) what if the caliph deliberately omitted suras reflecting his time?
4) why it didn't click to Mo itself to do this given all the claims Quran post now? (sorry not a q but it intrigues me)
Will be interested to find out more about it from members here. If you already got some thread on it, could you pls direct me to that.After all it may very well be not the correct Mo's version if the book we live n die for.
Thanks so much guys!