I am going through a categorised list of creation myth concepts. This is an index of motifs by S Thompson, used by those who study folklore.
A large number are (unsurprisingly) repeated in the quran. A very small non exhaustive list below:
A1172.3 - the chasing of night and day
A763.2 - stars are to decorate the heavens
A1191 - all things receive names
A650. - 7 heavens
A625.2 - sky raised up and separated from earth
A1241 - man created from clay
A1010 - flood
A1301. Men at first as large as giants.
B41.2. Flying horse (hadith)
Others are not in the quran, but I just quite like:
A1046.1. World-eclipse ended by bat making sun smile.
A965.1. One mountain in love with another stretches leg out to meet her: origin of a mountain chain.
A1313.4.1. Women at first with breasts on their foreheads.
A1665.1. Why Africans have bad feet.
I am posting this link because it is the most interesting thing I have come across in a while. A useful source for quran debunkers, but it also tells us a lot about humans and the naivety of 'common sense'.