People need to understand the parental attitude they are taking is dangerous and very similiar to the Islamic ideal of parental knowledge they claim to have. No one knows what's best for another person and if they are not harming another person we have no right to tell them what they can and cannot do. Freedom and liberty are important and need to be protected regardless of your feelings towards that group. The more u force or restrict people the more they will resist. Women have the freedom to wear what they wish be it bikini or burka. Don't let your personal feelings or experiences cloud that.
I agree that the state shouldn't arbitrate on attire, and notwithstanding the rights of private premises or companies, businesses and employers to stipulate that faces must be able to be seen, burqa wearers should be free to advertise themselves as genital stumps covered in black to prevent them getting raped, and ambassadors for the most hateful misogynistic patriachal uncivilised opression on earth, including the advertisement that all women are responsible for their own rape, all men are rapists, and all women who do not wear this costume are sluts.
I just wish that folks would stand up and actually say all that, call a spade a spade, and actually do what is best about a free society - criticise and describe truthfully backward misogynistic hatred when it manifests in backward symbols rooted in primitive notions, which is exactly what the burqa is.
One last thing - the bikini and the burqa
are not the same thing. There is no equivalency between them. This canard seems to get thrown around so casually, such has it been accepted, but it is a mendacious zero sum coupling, which clouds the issue completely.
The bikini is worn by women when they go to the beach or the swimming pool. It is not an everyday costume. Compare like with like. Its Burqa or Normal Clothing With Face Showing.
(The thing about choice as well..........its dishonest and partial to talk about choice without mentioning the deep coercive practises that girls and women who wear burqa are subjected to by families and communities. Without that acceptance of that fact, this discussion is totally unrealistic)