Look I don't have a vested interest in any of the organized religions.[severe allergy to herd mentality!] But if you look at this objectively,the Abrahamic religions [Judaism is an unknown quantity here,as it doesn't seem to make as much noise as the other two] easily beat by a very big margin any other known religion in supremacist bullshit and exclusivism.Islam has wrested the title of the leader of the pack from Christianity.
Islam should NOT be called as Abrahmic religion because it is NOT. Religion of Abraham ends with Abraham, at best you stretch it to Moses and extend a bit to Christianity. Islam has nothing common with these two religions., the only thing they have is a book called Quran which copy/pastes some stories of earlier religions. Islam has its own rules and rules are made by Muhammad.
The question and trouble I have is, whether there was only one Muhammad or Multiple muhammads that were put together as the present Prophet of Islam. So again
Islam is NOT abrahamic religion, it is Muhammadanism, Muhammad's religion with bit Jewish wine spilled on Quran..