Worth a read.
Justice for All? Jews and Arabs in the Israeli Criminal Justice SystemWhilst I think their system is far superior to that of their region, there are some serious flaws. Also, in recent years, with the drifting of society to the right, there has been an atack on the judiciary system whereby official institutions refrain from implementing court decisions and Parliament constantly draft laws that circumvent the highest court in the land anyway.
Local and international laws that prohibit discrimination and incitement of racism don't mean very become a mockery when the judicial system deals as softly with it's abusers as it does. It may be faring well compared to others in the region, but let's not kid ourselves....Israel is a fairly racist society and the drifting to the right of it's politics, media & public opinion have not been good for Israeli's justice system.
Thanks for the article.
I'm aware of many of the things mentioned in it. They also passed a law which prevented Israeli Arabs from bringing their spouses from abroad if their spouses are also Arab.
However, it's still better than the judiciaries of the neighboring countries.