I do not have any hostility towards Memetic theory, I just think you overdo its importance at times - its not that special or unique, and parts are obvious.
We could also remove some prepends like mono- or poly- from the language, and the language can still be used and still make up for the loss of those Two words. i.e. polygamy becomes 'multiple wives' and monogamy becomes 'single wife'.
Memetics offers us a chance to express many words into fewers words. Is it special or unique? Well we were able to live without it for Millenias. Are parts obvious? of course they are.
In fact it reminds me of everything about Dawkins - his book brought nothing new to the table as far as I was concerned but for one reason on other this rather non-inspirational figure seems to have caught everyones minds
Dawkins is not a prophet of some god. His books does not have to bring anything new to the table. But in fact, his book did bring few new things to the table.
& attention. I think someone like Salman Rushdie was more intelligent & deserving, but all he got was a Fatwa.
Non Sequitur. What does Salman has to do with Dawkins that has to do with memes. And Salman was boring as fvck actually. Salman is almost deserving of a fatwa just for the boring style he used.
memetic theory is straightforward simple logic, yet I have found your preoccupation with it can at times be at the expense of your lateral judgement.
Words like mono, tri, hetero, pento, septo, bi, isis, ism, are all straightforward simple logic as well, is there an issue if I use them, and is there particularly a problem if i use them a lot while discussing a subject that uses them a lot?