Re: Moral Children
Reply #2 - January 12, 2012, 01:26 AM
Is it really morality though?
Or is it more that the child doesn't fully understand the consequences of being open and upfront?
I still remember the day i learned that being abused was wrong. I went to school covered in whip marks and got into my gym clothes for PE lessons. This was shorts and a vest and I was 7.
When I was taken to the headmistress's office I was questioned over all the marks because they were really concerned and I told them I had been beaten. I told them everything. I did not THINK I had to hide it.
I did not understand the crime. I merely spoke honestly because I did not understand that a crime had been committed. It was only then, as I saw and heard their reactions that I understood that what my father had done was wrong.
I don't think that is morality. To be moral you need to know the difference, understand it throughly.
I think the 2 year old saying ' he is upstairs' just doesn't understand why he shouldn't speak, or should hold his tongue. The simple, child like facts are that his father was hiding upstairs. Much as to me, the simple child like facts were that my father had beaten me with a cane.
There was no right and wrong, no moralistic defending of the 'side of good', it was just innocence.
Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.