Hello from Sweden!
I hit the register button fast when I saw the "Colonizing Mars" post.
I've always had my eyes set on the stars.

Just a short introduction.
I'm an ex "new age"/gnostic/free mason... etc.
I really wish I could call myself an atheist but I'm not quite there yet.
It's an ongoing process. Basically the most damage religion and spiritual
practices has done in my life is that it's taken away precious time, and
a lot of it too, that I'll never get back. Never ever.
My connection to Islam is mostly from working with teenagers and from
ex. colleagues and friends that work with honor related violence, LGBT issues
and genital mutilation (including male circumcision).
One thing that never cease to amaze me is how difficult it is to bring up
"honor related violence" and similar topics with people from the left(which
is where I mostly roam, even though I don't belong to any special group/party).
People are so afraid of being even remotely thought to have racist opinions
that they exclude large groups (people with strange names) from their own
concept of freedom. Bad I think. I like freedom.
Things that make me happy are:
Any intelligent persons: Richard Dawkins, Nawal El-Saadawi...
Or the Femen activists. I'm soo happy I'm not on their hit list.

At least I think I'm not on their hit list anyway.
I bake my own bread, use Linux and being a moderator on a big Linux
forum I hunt spammers daily.

-Rock on!