Freethinkers of Medieval Islam and Surah 4:89
OP - November 22, 2014, 12:20 PM
Hello, I recently learned of a book called Freethinkers of Medieval Islam, and it sounds quite interesting to me, but it's out of print. Sadly, I cannot find an ebook, anywhere, either. Does anyone know where this book can be found in some sort of ebook format?
Also, I was discussing what Islam says on apostates recently with a couple Muslims. One person, who was a Sunni Muslim, after a lot of dialogue, eventually admitted that apostates should face execution, and that it was their fault for joining the religion in the first place. Another person, a Shia Muslim, told me that he disregards the Hadith, and says that death for apostates can't be found in the Quran. I asked him about Surah 4:89, but he claimed that given the context it doesn't call for the death of apostates, just "hypocrites who betrayed Muhammad." After looking at the surrounding verses, I'm not so sure anymore, so I'm here to ask former Muslims whether or not the Quran supports the execution of apostates.