Gri, I think I love you.
You make me laugh too much.
Thank you for popping overground.
Please come back often?
In ~One on One~ matches paradigm
the third specie should not request for the Love of more than one specie
in others' personalized topics
where another first specie is requesing for the Love of the second specie.
Instead, you have to create the ~Musivore to Allan~ gritoadmix workpiece
beginning with your request quote:
ALLAT; Please, please say hi to me?
I want to be the sole recipient of your 10000th post
(and that's 9991 brilliant, intelligent, informative posts btw.
The rest you wasted in this conversation with Gri)
while Allat is learning to create defended boards
and to split topics freely with relational Integrity preserved.