Let me first and foremost start with a message to the moderators: I used to be on here. I had completely forgotten my username let alone password. I wasn't sure whether it was "Farid", "Farid0904" or whatever. I had also registered it using an old e-mail address so I could retrieve it. Only after registration, when I opened the Introductions section I found myself back in the list on the wiki page as "Farid92". Back then still listed as Deist, wisdom apparently does come with winters.

Anyway, I'm back and I'd love to keep THIS account if I can, since I probably said some pretty stupid things back then anyway.

I guess most people don't know me or even if they did back then probably forgot about me, so my name is Farid and I'm from the Netherlands. I'm Agnostic, which means I still aren't fully Atheist, but I am much more of an Atheist than a Deist and most definitely not a Muslim. I'm from the country of Geert Wilders, which is why often I even end up defending Islam. Or more precisely, end up dragging other religious down to the same level as Islam, as I believe all 3 major religious books are full of hatred, bloodshed and inequality.
Besides all of that.. I'm currently in the process of graduating college. I'm finishing a Computer Science-ish study and will start studying International Business next year. I'm a huge sucker for startups, technology and Silicon Valley.
I don't know what else to write, if you have a question, feel free to hit me up any time.